NM Governor Lujan Grisham Keeps The Lid On The State Even Thou We Have Met The Criteria to Reopen!


I have stated many times that the Governor will keep the lid on the Church as long as she can!

KOAT TV NEWS: New Mexico officially meets gating criteria to reopen

Here is a news release from the New Mexico Republican Party we just received:


ALBUQUERQUE, AUGUST 19 — Despite a KOAT-TV investigative report revealing that the state has now met its own criteria to reopen New Mexico, Gov. Lujan Grisham’s Administration won’t acknowledge that her “gating criteria” have been met. She asked for science, got it, but now she turns her head away from it. So why aren’t we moving forward?The television report proves that all state COVID-19 guidelines have been met, the latest being the average number of new cases in a 7-day period. The numbers speak for themselves. Still, the state won’t confirm the figures or reopen our economy. We reach the results she has set out to achieve, yet the governor now finds a different excuse to keep people from going back to work.

It’s shocking, but not surprising, that Gov. Lujan Grisham again ignores her state responsibilities and her duties to protect her constituents.

The governor’s policies have taken us to the point that we lead the nation in suicides and alcohol-related deaths while we remain at the bottom in education. Her poor pandemic decisions have been unjust, illogical and costly, crushing our economy and our citizens’ spirits. We can shop in droves at Walmart but can’t eat in restaurants. We can’t send our kids to school, but we can send them to daycare.

The governor’s legacy is growing with each poor and irrational decision.

“It’s shameful and harmful to New Mexicans that the governor doesn’t reopen New Mexico when her own COVID-19 case criteria are met,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce. “She should be relaxing her crippling pandemic policies, and to break her word on her own rules is an insult to all New Mexicans. With a collapsed economy, hundreds of businesses shut down permanently and a billion dollar deficit in her state, you’d think she’d quickly reopen the economy and schools. Her priorities continue to demonstrate her lack of leadership and empathy, her inability to govern her state justly and her refusal to understand how her decisions have destroyed peoples’ lives.”


THANKFUL: Suspect Identified in the Killing of Jacqueline Vigil

So very thankful for this news. I remember the day Jacqueline was shot and killed in her driveway here in Albuquerque, not far from our home. I am so very grateful for all Law Enforcement for hunting down this thug! (There may be more) The death penalty needs to be reinstated in New Mexico. There is no deterrent to such crimes! We have become one of the most violent states in America! I was talking to the wife of a Albuquerque Police Officer this morning, she shared much with me. There are a number of Officers thinking of quitting! The Mayor, Chief of Police, City Council, Governor, Sate Legislators, Pastors, (Where are the Pastors in the fight to get out from under state rule? The Church should not be at the feet of the Governor!) All Citizens need to stand up for our Officers. By the way, the Republican Party of New Mexico is showing just how weak it is, no leadership, they are also at the feet of the Governor. There are a few that speak out like Jim Townsend, Rod Montoya and Gail Armstrong, I respect all three greatly, but more and more people are fed up with the GOP in this state. A Pastor told me today that the Republican Party of New Mexico is not effective at all, so very sad. If you are for Defunding the Police I suggest you move to Minneapolis, Seattle or Portland! We all must show more support for our officers! Thank the Lord that Sheriff Manny Gonzales when to D.C., to meet President Trump and thank the Lord that the President sent Federal Agents to our very violent city. Satan is having his way with many in our city, state and all of America. Mayors and Governors have got to be stop being cowards and face this evil head on! I am a registered Independent, I will not be associated with either party, they both are so very dysfunctional.

Sheriff Manny Gonzales is a Democrat, he took heat from the leaders of his party when he went to visit President Trump! Manny shows character, saying he would seek help from anybody, he is not restricted by politics! President Trump has sent Federal Agents to help Albuquerque fight crime. PTL!!!

My prayer is that America will have more Governors like Kristie Noem of South Dakota! I have friends there and they love her! I also pray that we have more states like South Dakota! The state and Governor are role models for us all! I also pray that Governor Noem runs for President next time!

KOB TV NEWS: Suspect identified in the killing of Jacqueline Vigil

Another Murder Reported Today in ABQ

U.S. Churches Continue to Sue State and Local Government for Overreach in COVID-19 Restrictions against Houses of Worship

American Family Association:‘Governors and Mayors Are Usurping Too Much Power’; Local Leaders Should ‘Rein In These Autocrats’

TUPELO, Miss. — Prominent evangelical pastor and author John MacArthur has continued to hold services in person with hundreds of his congregants at Grace Community Church, in what he has called a “peaceful protest” against government actions litigators have described to the California Superior Court as Gov. Gavin Newsom’s “unconstitutional and onerous coronavirus pandemic regulations.”

The American Family Association (AFA, www.afa.netsupports legal action that protects churches and individuals from overextended pandemic restrictions by state and local government leaders.

“It is becoming increasingly clear that, during the pandemic, some governors and mayors are usurping too much power and doing so indefinitely, then applying their draconian measures in ways that infringe on First Amendment rights,” said AFA Executive Vice President Ed Vitagliano.

Officials in various states have mandated that churches restrict gathering sizes to numbers well below building capacity and require the wearing of masks. Such states have seen an uptick in lawsuits from legal firms representing houses of worship, including the Thomas More Society, which represents MacArthur’s church and others throughout the U.S.

The mandates, which fail to be applied with the same vigor to other social gatherings like protests against police brutality, defy state laws properly enacted by the citizens’ representatives — and therefore qualify as tyranny, Vitagliano says.

“AFA calls on city councils and legislatures to do their jobs and rein in these autocrats,” Vitagliano said. “At the same time, churches with leadership that decide to open their doors as safely as possible should be bold enough to do so without fear of threats and retaliation. This isn’t Communist China.”

In Minnesota, a lawsuit was filed against Governor Tim Walz for an executive order forcing churches to maintain mask-wearing and six-foot separation between persons. Other executive branch mandates, such as in Illinois and Ohio, provide for limited exceptions for houses of worship.

The Associated Press reported Erick Kaardal, special counsel for the Thomas More Society, as saying“Gov. Walz, a former teacher, gets an F in religious liberties.”

In some states, litigation has led to small victories. A judge in New York blocked restrictions of 25% for indoor worship gatherings while other gatherings could operate at 50%.

Meanwhile, a growing coalition of pastors in Pennsylvania recently sent an open letter to all three branches of the state’s government arguing that Gov. Tom Wolf’s unilateral COVID-19 mandates are unlawful, that members of the state’s high court unlawfully upheld them, and that the legislative branch should hold the other branches accountable.


For over 40 years, AFA has operated within the mission to inform, equip, and activate individuals to strengthen the moral foundations of American culture and give aid to the church here and abroad in its task of fulfilling the Great Commission. Visit AFA Action Alerts here.


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