A Heart for Jesus


A few years ago, as I watched my grand kids start to grow up and realized what kind of world they were living in…what we had allowed our country to become, it broke my heart.  Being a writer of sorts for most of my life, I began to write my thoughts and feelings about God and the relationship one must have with Him in order to succeed in this race called ‘life.’  I wanted more than anything to equip our young people with the knowledge they need.  I prayed for God to give them all a heart for Jesus…and for our country to return to Him.  Some of my writings I posted on Facebook, but wondered if they were ever read.

Then one day I was talking to my friend, Brenda, about my writings and the desire to reach people with God’s message.  “I need an outlet, a Christian organization to write for,” I told her…a way to reach more people for God.”

“Just a minute,” she said.  “I’ll be right back.”

A few minutes later, she told me she had sent my latest post to a pastor friend of hers, named Dewey Moede who had a ministry called ‘For God’s Glory Alone Ministries.’  She sent me a link and I checked it out.  In the meantime, Pastor Dewey had answered her message, contacted me himself and posted my writing on his site.  I was amazed at how quickly God had worked and was over the moon happy.  God is awesome like that… always quick to lead when we are willing to follow!

I am honored still to be among the many writers for FGGAM and feel blessed beyond words to be associated with a ministry that, though not huge, reaches a huge audience…spreading the truth of God’s word across the world.  I am humbled to be allowed to share my thoughts and God’s wisdom in such a way.

It has been a joy getting to know Pastor Dewey and his wife Sharon through the magic of the internet.  Having spoken to him on the phone a few times and reading his own posts, listening to his podcasts, etc., I have come to know this man has a true heart for Jesus.  I deem it an honor to serve alongside him and pray for his safety as he travels the roads of New Mexico preaching and sharing Jesus.

FGGAM has brought me closer to our Savior as well as I have had to dig deeper into my Bible as I search for messages He wants me to share.  I’ve learned so much through this process and only pray that what I write will reach the hearts of those who need it most.  May we all dedicate our hearts to Jesus and see our country turn back to Him.  May FGGAM continue to grow and reach out to those hurting and in need of salvation.  In whatever capacity we are called, may it always be for God’s glory alone that we serve…And thank God for good friends who are always willing to help!

Please pray about a love offering to FGGAM


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Betty Fritz
My name is Betty Fritz. I was born and raised in Texas but have resided in Elkhart, Indiana for the last 25 years. My husband is a Hoosier so that’s how we wound up here. We have two daughters and a son plus 6 grand kids…..3 boys and 3 girls. I retired last year after working for 24 years at Elkhart Child Development Center. I’ve been writing since a teenager and have taken several writing courses. I enjoy writing short stories. I wrote a book of poems, RHYMES OF THE TIMES, which was published a few years ago. I have written countless songs, a few for which demo recordings have been made. Recently I’ve been writing blogs..most of them about my faith and things the Lord has taught me in my Christian life over the last 51 years. My inspiration comes from my personal relationship with Jesus Christ and my desire to see that my grandchildren grow up in a Christian nation. My goal is to bring glory to Him and help others to see that there is POWER in the name of JESUS!

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