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Happy 88th Birthday Dr. Charles Stanley! A Life of Integrity!

I have had the extreme blessing of meeting Dr. Stanley twice! I was able to give him a big JESUS HUG! Dr. Stanley has taught me so very much, he is one of my main mentors like Billy Graham and Adrian Rogers. These three men have helped me become a better man of God. In all three you find a life of integrity, something lacking in America, even in the American Church. Please make sure your mentors are on solid ground with God and His Word. You see, we are in trouble because so may of the ‘so called leaders’ in this Country are on shaky ground with God. They talk about Global warming ruining our planet, but is is the ‘nothing noise’ coming out of the mouths of fools that is destroying us. America is on very shaky ground at this time, I have never seen it so bad in my life. Satan is having his way with so many Americans, only GOD can save us not politics.

This fits American politics today: A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion. Proverbs 18:2

September 25, 2020

A Life of Integrity

Psalm 15:1-5

David’s psalms often describe the life of integrity believers should have. Today’s passage shows us that God values our righteousness and honesty. To develop and maintain a lifestyle that pleases Him, we must …

Formulate our beliefs on the basis of Scripture. The Bible explains our need for a Savior, Christ’s death for our sin, and the Father’s free gift of eternal life. Once we believe these foundational Christian truths, our priorities should flow from our position as God’s adopted children.

Submit to Christ’s lordship. Jesus tells us to deny ourselves and follow Him (Mark 8:34). Commitment to the Savior will help us stand against temptation and choose righteousness.

Build relationships with individuals who value godly living. The influence of other Christians strengthens us in our dedication and obedience to the Lord.

Acknowledge missteps. Everyone makes mistakes. But when we do, we should confess our sin to God and turn away from the wrong behavior (1 John 1:9).

Living a life of integrity isn’t always easy. But our Father, who understands our struggles, sent His Spirit to guide us toward godliness. Let’s ask Him to help us become more like the person described in Psalm 15.


Bible in One Year: Micah 5-7

From Sept. 14th: I love this man of God! I have met him twice! What a blessing! I have been trained up by his preaching and teaching and continue to do learn from Dr. Stanley! His ministry over the years has sent us ministry materiel to share with those we help here at FGGAM! WHAT A HEART FOR GOD AND PEOPLE! AMEN! I pray that Dr. Stanley will write more books!!! AMEN! Dr. Stanley has given all his heart to our LORD and His people. I strive to do the same, that is the example he has set for all of us!

Fifty-one years ago, the Rev. Charles F. Stanley became the senior Pastor at First Baptist Church of Atlanta, on Sunday he stepped down.

Click below for the details:

September 14, 2020

Ignoring God’s Voice

Hebrews 4:12-16

Believe it or not, many people who attend church choose to ignore God’s truth because they don’t like hearing sermons that convict or demand a change. But we tend to be guilty of doing the same thing when we pick and choose what to read in the Bible.

When you open God’s Word, do you read only verses that encourage, comfort, or promise blessings? Are you reluctant to tackle the more difficult passages, which prick your conscience and call for obedience? Do you avoid sections that make you feel guilty about the way you are living?

If you find yourself reacting strongly to a passage of Scripture or a sermon, then you ought to take an honest look at yourself. God’s Word is meant to cut into the deepest recesses of our soul and spirit. But the hope is that we then run to Jesus, our High Priest, in confession and repentance in order to receive forgiveness and cleansing.

Christ sympathizes with our weaknesses and invites us to draw near to God to receive grace and help. The convicting passage of Scripture may cause momentary discomfort, but those who listen and take their burden to Jesus find sweet relief.

Bible in One Year: Daniel 5-6


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