New Mexico Are You Ready to Stand Strong With God and His Babies?


I asked Ethel Maharg (pictured at the very top) of the Right to Life Committee of New Mexico to respond to the Albuquerque Journal’s article on the Abortion Battle in New Mexico. Thank you so very much Sister!

.Changing court, Legislature set stage for NM abortion clash

Response to the Albuquerque Journal


You can bet that there will much debate over whether or not to repeal the 1969 statute concerning abortion. This would be especially true if both chambers of the legislative body are far left leaning.

What happened in the primary election is an example of what happens to you if you dare vote your values. If you are not lock step with the far-left Democrat platform you will be taken out. The Governor swore they would be primaried and made good on this promise and joined forces with the abortion giant Planned Parenthood. 5 of the remaining 7 Democrat Senators were unseated by pro-abortion candidates.


However, all is not lost as the opponents of these candidates are strong, proudly pro-life, and gaining ground and there are 101 brand new candidates to vote for. Right to Life Committee of New Mexico has 105 either fully endorsed or recommended.


The passing of Justice Ginsberg along with the appointment of a new conservative Pro-life justice is sure to send the abortion business to the trash heap where it belongs. After 47 years of destroying over 60 million innocent lives it is time we remove this scourge from our land.

New Mexicans are Pro-life.  When the Governor asked us all to call in and let her know how we felt about abortion and assisted suicided 10,000 calls poured into her office. OVER 98% of them said they were opposed to abortion, but she is not listening, and she makes certain none of her party listens either. Maybe on November 4th she will.

Ethel Maharg

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September 22, 2020

Hello Everyone,
This billboard is displayed on Hwy 550 heading toward San Ysidro, New Mexico. It is great marketing, but the message is bad. It shows an older gentleman who seems healthy, but what they are promoting is assisted suicide because you will see the caption “Everyone deserves compassionate options at the end of life.”
They are already priming the pump if you will, to present an assisted suicide bill in the next legislative session and this is how they are doing it. Again they are selling the “MY” factor making you think this makes you more powerful. It also seems so kind to offer compassion and of course “options”, but compassion is defined as walking alongside someone in their difficult times, not encouraging them to take their lives or make them feel they are a burden to their family. This is what this organization does.
If you want to learn more about assisted suicide and euthanasia, please make plans to join us this Friday September 25th at 6 PM at Glory Christian Fellowship located at 2421 Wyoming Blvd. NE. A link will be provided for those who cannot attend.
We need to remain vigilant and learn about the plans of those who want to change our culture. In New Mexico we take care of our families. Let’s keep it that way.
Remember if you want your vote to count show up in person if at all possible and vote early.
Thank you all for what you do for the cause of life.
God bless,
Ethel Maharg
Executive Director



“Today I am announcing that I will be signing the Born-Alive Executive Order to ensure that all precious babies born alive, no matter their circumstances, receive the medical care that they deserve. This is our sacrosanct moral duty,” said Trump Sept. 23, speaking in a pre-recorded video address during the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast virtual even.

Trump announces ‘Born Alive’ executive order for abortion survivors

.Changing court, Legislature set stage for NM abortion clash

Catholic Amy Coney Barrett Front-Runner as Trump Signals Supreme Court Nomination Plans

Meanwhile……read the email I got yesterday from the Governor of New Mexico…..darkness…..

All these news stories deal with LIFE! I get so encouraged when America stands up against EVIL!!! God’s people must stand strong against such evil such as abortion, human trafficking, the kidnapping of children….Satan has the minds of many in America.

U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr says the federal government is awarding more than $100 million in grants to target human trafficking.

The money will go to task forces combatting human trafficking, to victim services and victim housing.Story Here

Authorities in Ohio say they have located 35 missing children, some who were tied to human trafficking.

A joint-effort this past month between local and federal law enforcement led to the recovery of the missing kids.

Authorities say “Operation Safety Net” was a success, as they found 35 missing kids between the ages of 13 and 18. ‘Operation Safety Net’

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