At FBC in Reserve yesterday we celebrated Brian Pierce’s 9th birthday! (Brian is pictured above) He told me he wants to be a Pastor! Hallelujah! Brian led us in prayer for the whole world to come to Jesus! Brian has such a big heart for those that don’t know Jesus as their Lord and Savior! His prayer preached big time! Way to go preacher man! Sunday School teacher Destre Ortega. Destre does such an awesome work with the youth of FBC in Reserve.
Children are the future of the world and our Churches. That is a main reason I preach! I am so very excited when children become involved in the Church, their passion is outstanding! It gives me such hope!
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
40 Powerful Blessings to Pray over Your Children
Pastor Dewey Note: This is just plain horrible why New Mexico continues to rank at the bottom in education, but first in suicides and many bad things. ABORTION! GOD CANNOT FULLY BLESS THIS STATE AS LONG AS IT KILLS HIS BABIES! WE ARE AT THE BOTTON IN THE WELL-BEING OF CHILDREN! SHAME! SHAME! No matter who sits in the Governors office we are in bad shape, we just had 8 years of a do-nothing Republican Governor and now we have Democrat Governor who has made matters much worse. I have lived here since 1995 and cannot understand why this beautiful state full of beautiful people continues to elect very poor leaders. When I moved here people told me how terrible the politicians were……..they would joke about it……they still do…..There are shining stars yes, but the darkness of God’s babies looms in New Mexico. New Mexico needs a strong third party! The GOP and DEMS have made a mess of things…..just look at the history of the state. It seems that the Dems and Republicans in New Mexico are best at finding fault with each other and accusing each other of malpractice, the way I see it they both get an F.
We all should look at ourselves and our Churches…and see what difference we are making for God and His people. HIS PEOPLE!
New Mexico has become very good at holding ‘High School Pep Rallies’, but we remain spiritually broken, let us get down to doing the business of God and end the killing of His babies and the mistreatment of children.
FGGAM is truly a ministry that is not political…..God formed FGGAM over 8 years ago for His Glory Alone and not Politics.
With World Teachers’ Day around the corner and teachers having to implement social distancing or online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the personal-finance website WalletHub today released its report on 2020’s Best & Worst States for Teachers
In order to help educators find the best opportunities and teaching environments in the U.S., WalletHub analyzed the 50 states and the District of Columbia across 25 key metrics, ranging from teachers’ income growth potential to the pupil-teacher ratio to whether the state has a digital learning plan.
Best States for Teachers | Worst States for Teachers |
1. Washington | 42. Hawaii |
2. Utah | 43. Tennessee |
3. New Jersey | 44. Missouri |
4. Delaware | 45. Arkansas |
5. Pennsylvania | 46. District of Columbia |
6. North Dakota | 47. Louisiana |
7. Virginia | 48. Maine |
8. Maryland | 49. Arizona |
9. New York | 50. New Mexico |
10. Oregon | 51. New Hampshire |
Best vs. Worst
- Wyoming has the highest annual average starting salary for teachers (adjusted for cost of living), $43,873, which is 1.5 times higher than in Maine, the state with the lowest at $29,835.
- Michigan has the highest average annual salary for public-school teachers (adjusted for cost of living), $66,428, which is 1.5 times higher than in Maine, the state with the lowest at $45,433.
- Nevada has the lowest projected number of teachers per 1,000 students by year 2028 (indicating the size of competition), 7, which is 14 times lower than in the District of Columbia, which has the highest at 98.
- Vermont has the lowest pupil-teacher ratio, 10.50, which is 2.2 times lower than in Arizona, the state with the highest at 23.53.
- New York has the highest public-school spending per student, $25,344, which is 3.4 times higher than in Idaho, the state with the lowest at $7,475.
To view the full report and your state or the District’s rank, please visit:
More from WalletHub
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Millions around the World Join ‘The Return: National and Global Day of Prayer and Repentance’
Believers on Every Continent to Join in Day to Pray for God’s End-Time Revival
NEW YORK — There is a tsunami of the Holy Spirit beginning to flow with overwhelming fruit, and evidence of dreams, visions, signs, wonders, miracles and all manner of spiritual gifts. We are on the verge of the greatest move of God in all the ages. This outpouring will sweep multitudes into the kingdom of God as they are saved, healed and delivered, says Kevin Jessip, co-chair of “The Return.”
Spiritual leaders from around the world are sensing this wave. This sovereign move of God is rising and through the power of the Holy Spirit there is a new unity which is being woven within the fabric of the body of Christ.
On September 25-26, 2020, in Washington D.C., a global broadcast of “The Return: National and Global Day of Prayer and Repentance” will take place over the airwaves on satellite broadcast, including PTL, TBN, CBN, TCT, God TV, Daystar, and many more networks, and through livestreaming in tens of thousands of churches and simulcast partners worldwide.
The simulcast will air throughout 150 or more nations on all six continents, in nearly 90 languages real time. This will be the largest ever global gathering in the history of Christendom utilizing today’s technologies across a plethora of multimedia platforms, literally reaching tens of millions of souls.
From Asia starting with broadcasts from Korea with Billy Kim, throughout Malaysia and Indonesia and more.
To Australia with Steve Cioccolanti who is senior pastor of Discover Church, Melbourne, Australia, with 4 million YouTube followers.
In Africa with over 250,000 million viewers through Anthony Ojoibukun, and Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye, General Overseer, The Redeemed Christian Church of God, Nigeria. Dr. Sayo Ajiboye, Kenya, and Wellington Chadehumbe, representing the continent of Africa.
In Europe from the Netherlands at the Hague with Jack van der Tang and across the nations of Germany, United Kingdom, France, England, Spain, Italy, and from Stockholm, Sweden to Helsinki, Finland with Lars Enarson and much more.
From South America, Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, to Chile and Peru, Nicaragua, Honduras and many other nations.
In Oceania to the Caribbean and across the Island nations, to North America with over 150 cities hosting city wide “The Return” gatherings in the biggest unified prayer and repentance movement the nation has ever hosted. All being led by the unifying power of the Holy Spirit within Pastors, Priests, Rabbis, Intercessors and lay people whom are being drawn together in a supernatural way.
From Russia, China, Iran, into Pakistan and India with Dr. Satish Kumar, Calvary Temple, in Hyderabad, India, the largest church with over 300,000 members. With All Pro Pastors Network globally in Cuba, Algeria, Uganda, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Guinea, Tanzania, Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Ivory Coast, and Malawi.
In the Middle East, from Jerusalem with live video’s throughout Israel from Bethlehem to Nazareth, the Galilee to the Mount of Olives.
Many are coming together for “The Return” global movement within the church of repentance as the body of Christ is answering the obedient call to humble themselves, pray, and seek His face, believing that as they repent and turn, God’s response will be to hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land.
The following Christian organizations are Partners of “The Return”: Museum of the Bible, National Christian Foundation, National Day of Prayer, Nicky Cruz Outreach, Outreach, Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches of North America, Pre-Born!, Triple Horse Studios, and World Evangelical Alliance.
Other Partners of “The Return” include 10 Days, A. Larry Ross Communications, All Pro Pastors International, America’s National Prayer Committee, Anne Graham Lotz & Angel Ministries, Assemblies of God, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Bless Every Home, Calvary Chapel, Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, CBN, Charisma Magazine, Church of God, Collide, CTN, Daystar Television Network, Engage Media Partners, EpicPay, Every Home for Christ, Family Research Council, Family Talk, Gateway Church, Hispanic Prayer Network, House of David Ministries, Inciite Events, Intercessors for America, Jensine Bard Ministries, John Kilpatrick Ministries, and MyPillow.
“The Return” will take place Saturday, September 26, on the National Mall at 9 am ET—between the Washington Monument and Capitol Hill—and all around the world by simulcast on television and live-streaming on the web. There will also be a ‘Return Eve: Next Generation’ celebration the night before on Friday, September 25 from 6 pm to 9 pm, and ‘The Return Night Celebration’ on Saturday, September 26 from 6 pm to 9 pm.
To find out about how you can be a part on the National Mall or by Simulcast, visit “The Return” at or call **pray (**7729) to register and learn more. Follow “The Return” on social media at Facebook: @ReturnEvent2020; Twitter: @2020_Return; and Instagram: @The_Return2020.
Imagine a Prayer Meeting for Our Nation With One Clear, God-Driven Goal:
To Seek Forgiveness for Our Nation Before It’s Too latePastor Carter Conlon, Leader at Times Square Church, Invites Everyone to Cry Out for Mercy with Him on Behalf of the U.S.A. on Oct. 6, 2020
NEW YORK—A unique prayer meeting this October has one clear and striking goal: to ask God for forgiveness for what we’ve done in America. For how we’ve treated others. For the ways in which our nation has squandered the bountiful blessings that God bestowed on us since our earliest days.
This prayer meeting is one day only. There is no fee. No sign-up is needed. There are no strings attached.
Instead, the prayer meeting’s entire focus is a plea to God for His mercy on our nation—before it’s too late.
Pastor Carter Conlon, general overseer of Times Square Church, is heading to Plymouth, Massachusetts, to lead the prayer for God’s mercy on October 6, 2020. The location is significant. This year marks the 400th anniversary of the historic arrival of the first Pilgrims on our soil, a place where they sought to worship God freely and according to conscience. Pastor Conlon is asking everyone who believes in God, no matter who they are or where they are, to join him online as the Times Square Church Worldwide Prayer Meeting is livestreamed from Plymouth on Tuesday, October 6, from 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Eastern.
“We are going to believe God for a mercy moment for our nation,” says Pastor Conlon. “God called this prayer meeting, and the future of America depends on our prayers.
“This is a do-or-die moment for America,” adds Pastor Conlon urgently. “This is it. We either have a spiritual awakening, or we plunge into darkness. Without God’s intervention of mercy, this nation is finished. May God help us. May God have mercy.”
Pastor Conlon met the family who owns the home that is believed to be the actual first house built in Plymouth colony and where the 51 pilgrims who survived the first winter prayed and cried out to God. Of this critical location, Pastor Conlon explains, “God said to me, ‘I want you to come back to this very spot where the nation began. And I want you to ask for forgiveness for what you did with the freedom that I gave you 400 years ago.’”
Pastor Conlon also says, “We’re going to God, to the place where the nation began, spiritually speaking, and we’re going to pray and say, ‘God, forgive us.’ I’m going to open by listing the sins of America, starting with slavery, and go right on through to the sins of today, including abortion.”
The Worldwide Prayer Meeting, which occurs weekly, draws prayer requests from thousands of people in over 200 self-reported countries and dependencies throughout the world. It does so via website submission form and text message.
The weekly live prayer meeting is livestreamed every Tuesday at 7 p.m. Eastern at, and on the Times Square Church Facebook page and YouTube channel.
For more information, visit