Save the Persecuted Christians Applauds Congressman Scott Perry’s Bill to Designate the Chinese Communist Party as a Transnational Organized Crime Group


Save the Persecuted Christians Applauds Congressman Scott Perry’s Bill to
Designate the Chinese Communist Party as a Transnational Organized Crime Group


The Bill, Introduced Oct. 1 following ‘Resist China’ Event in DC,
Aims to Protect Americans from Chinese Criminal Activity


WASHINGTON—Save the Persecuted Christians (STPC), a leading international human rights advocacy group which advocates on behalf of hundreds of millions of persecuted Christians worldwide, was among the groups protesting China’s imperialism worldwide and malign influence in America in front of the Capitol on Thursday, Oct. 1. The Resist China demonstration brought attention to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s crackdowns against freedom, democracy, and human rights, which have intensified across China, along with a gross increase on the assault on communities living under its rule. The event served to draw attention in support of efforts to divest China and designate the Chinese Communist Party a transnational criminal organization (TCO) in light of heightened persecution of religious believers and especially the deplorable human rights abuses of Uyghurs in East Turkistan (Xinjiang province).


As an answer to prayer, capping off the day was a Bill introduced by U.S. Representative Scott Perry (PA-10): the “Designating the Chinese Communist Party a Transnational Organized Crime Group Act,” (see here, and here) which will serve to Protect Americans from Chinese Criminal Activity.


According to the press release on Rep. Scott Perry’s website, the legislation, co-sponsored by Reps. Tim Burchett (R-TN) and Scott DesJarlais (R-TN), “will add the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to the Top International Criminal Organizations Target (TICOT) List and provide the United States law enforcement agencies a strategic directive to target the CCP’s malign activity.”

Dr. Sean Lin, of the Falun Dafa Association at Washington, DC, and a member of Save the Persecuted Christians, said, “In the past seven decades under CCP ruling, more than 80 million of Chinese people died due to waves of CCP-sanctioned politics persecutions. This bill tells the tragic reality that Chinese people, regardless of their race and ethnicity, are under the ruling of an evil gangster entity—the Chinese Communist Party. And, it also has highlighted the CCP’s existential threat to global civilization and the free world. All congressional leaders must stand strong to support this legislation to name the CCP for what it is, as it presents an outcry for freedom for all people suffering under CCP.”

The groups have found an ally in Representative Perry, who has long been fighting against China’s nefarious ways, and relentlessly the Communist dictatorship’s proverbial feet to the fire. STPC has been working with Perry to bring about this legislation, and, along with the Committee on the Present Danger: China (CPDC) and other organizations, have been steadfast proponents advocating for this legislation, calling for the Chinese Communist Party to be designated a TCO due to its multitude of verified illegal activity and desecration of human rights; it is time to divest China from U.S. capital markets.

STPC Chief Executive Frank Gaffney and vice chair of CPDC spoke at the “Resist China” event, where he received letters of support for CPDC from representatives of the organization’s ‘Captive Nations Coalition’ including Tibet, Southern Mongolia, East Turkistan, and those in danger of becoming enslaved through the Belt & Road Initiative. In attendance were groups from Hong Kong, Kazakhstan, Vietnam and other places.  The Falun Gong was also in attendance.


According to the Congressman Perry’s press release on his website, “The TICOT List is an intragovernmental effort to identify and eliminate the international criminal organizations that pose the gravest threat to U.S. national interests. The CCP’s coordinated and government-directed theft of American intellectual property, cyber-attacks on U.S. systems, espionage, and international fentanyl trafficking, are amongst the top reasons the CCP qualifies to be on the TICOT List.

“The thugocracy that is the Chinese Communist Party must be held accountable for its international crimes and face the full force of the U.S. law enforcement agencies,” said Congressman Scott Perry. “The CCP is an existential threat to American freedoms and liberties, and the United States must deploy an all-of-government approach to combat its malign behavior. For decades, the aggressive, illegal behavior of the CCP has cost Americans millions of jobs, billions of dollars in intellectual property value, and the independence of our academic institutions.”


Dede Laugesen, Executive Director of Save the Persecuted Christians, said, Back in July, a broad coalition of over 600 human rights advocates and organizations penned an open letter to Attorney General William Barr asking him to officially condemn the Chinese Communist Party as a criminal outfit responsible for violating human rights, committing injustices around the globe, and causing millions of deaths worldwide.


“Save the Persecuted Christians is very grateful for this legislation,” says Laugesen. “It’s the first step in righting the injustices and making the world a safer place for all at-risk populations, which seemed to be multiplying exponentially as China’s malign influence had continued unchecked – but, no more.”


Save the Persecuted Christians is working to raise awareness about the plight of over 300 million Christians facing brutal and extreme violence and injustice in countries around the world. The organization — an informal, national coalition — began in February 2018 and reorganized as a formal charitable organization in December 2018.


The mission of Save the Persecuted Christians is to save lives and save souls by disseminating actionable information about the magnitude of the persecution taking place globally and by mobilizing concerned Americans for the purpose of disincentivizing further attacks on those who follow Jesus.


With so much of the world’s Christian population being imprisoned and/or harassed for their beliefs, such as Christians in China, the need has never been greater for the sort of grassroots campaign STPC’s SaveUs Movement is working to foster. Its efforts are modeled after a miraculously successful one that helped free another population suffering from heavy persecution—Soviet Jews—by penalizing those in the Kremlin responsible for such repression. Through this movement, Save the Persecuted Christians endeavors to provide American policymakers with the popular support they need to effect real change worldwide and alleviate systemically the suffering being experienced by so many of those following Christ.

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