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Thanksgiving is THANKS LIVING!

Pictured is Man of God Frank Hall of Page, Arizona who once attended First Baptist Church in Reserve, NM. I am very sorry I do not know the name of the nurse.
Thanksgiving is THANKS LIVING!
Recently I read a story of an elderly gentleman who lived in a nursing home.  Every day he would rise early, before breakfast, and wheel himself down to the nearest intersection,  On that street corner he would wave and say “hello” to every car that stopped at the stop light.  Now, he could have chosen to roll over in bed at that early hour and get a few more minutes of sleep before breakfast.  But instead, HE CHOSE to rise early and bless others with his big smile and enthusiastic “good morning and hello”.
This is the season of THANKSGIVING.  Our Bible Boost today come from one of the passages in the Bible that blesses my life every day.  Philippians 4:6: “Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks”.
If you are like me there are times when life feels overwhelming.  We are worried, anxious and stressed.
However, God gives us the plan to overcome such times.  Paul reminds us to first, PRAY.  He reminds us to stop focusing on the problem but focus on GOD.  It’s a decision.  But like the elderly gentleman at the beginning of this article, he made a decision to get up early and head down to the intersection.  He could have rolled over and sleep a few more minutes before breakfast.  But, instead, he made a decision.  He chose to head down to the intersection.
Likewise, our THANKS LIVING it’s DAILY DECISION to pray and focus on God.  PRAY AND ASK GOD.  To many times in my life I wring my hands, stay awake at night, and fret over the situation or problem.  My first reaction, and first decision, should be to PRAY AND ASK GOD, instead of focusing in on the problem.
But Paul reminds us of one more step.  “GIVE THANKS”.  Whatever we are stressing over, worrying about or are anxious, God’s Word says, GIVE THANKS FOR WHAT WE ARE WORRYING ABOUT!.
Wow.  Don’t know about you, but that is really hard for me.   THANKS LIVING is getting up every day and making the decision to focus on PRAYER AND GOD instead of the problem or situation.
Look at the emphasis.  Not only pray but with an attitude of THANKSGIVING.  So, here’s a little test for me and for each of us.  I challenge all of us to put this scripture to the test.  The next time we feel anxious or worried rather than focusing on the problem or situation let’s DECIDE to go to God in prayer, thanking HIM for the situation.  Remember, it doesn’t matter the size of the storm, the heaviness of the situation.
So, I challenge us to live a life of THANKS LIVING. Deciding DAILY to guide our minds and emotions to the promises that are in Philippians 4:6.  God is near.  God hears.  Don’t worry.  Give thanks in the circumstance.  When we follow Paul’s advice, then verse 7 comes into focus.  With an attitude of THANKS LIVING, “God’s peace will keep our hearts and minds”.  Peace of mind comes with confidence that GOD IS NEAR.  GOD HEARS.  GOD WILL PROVIDE.  Peace of mind through THANKS LIVING.
I am praying that we all have a very safe and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Leonard Navarre
Lubbock, TX
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