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Why Los Lunas, New Mexico is Among America’s Most Dangerous Cities

So very sad to read this report… breaks my heart…….

Why Los Lunas, New Mexico is Among America’s Most Dangerous Cities

More From The FGGAM Media Center:

New Mexico News: Special Session Starts Tuesday, Some Grocery Stores Closed in Rural Areas, Hobby Lobby Closed in ABQ

Regarding his colony of Pennsylvania, William Penn wrote to a friend, January 1, 1681, declaring he would:
“… make and establish such laws as shall best preserve true Christian and civil liberty, in all opposition to all unchristian … practices …
God that has given it to me, through many difficulties, will, I believe, bless and make it the seed of a nation.”


I am feeling so very sad this morning, I am also very tired of manning the news desk everyday…it is wearing me down. I would be thankful for your prayers. We all need prayer during these very, very tough times. I read on a Dear Friends Facebook that her kids and grandkids are moving out-of-state. They have had enough of the Governors shutdowns. The stress that is being put on people is horrible!

State Rep. Gail Armstrong posted this last night on Facebook:

Albuquerque Hobby Lobby shut down after defying public health order

Lawmakers lay out priorities for special session

The new, updated watch list has Albersons On West 2nd, Walmart, Target to the list of store’s near closure.
If Walmart, Sam’s Club, Target, Albersons (North and West) are all closed that only leaves 3 full grocery stores left in Roswell, that being the 3 Farmers locations.
Walmart, Target, and Albersons West are still open at this time.
Many serious problems in New Mexico:


State Facts About Abortion: New Mexico

New Mexico’s suicide rate is highest in US

New Mexico ranked 5th on list of states with most impaired driving deaths

Demand ‘increasing dramatically’ for food aid in New Mexico

Hunger in New Mexico

New Mexico ranks 50th in child well-being again

New Mexico Corruption

New Mexico ranchers face historic drought  

U.S. Drought Monitor

Paul Harvey “God Made a Farmer’”

From Dr. Jim Dension this morning:

Why our “tolerant” society does not tolerate evangelical Christians

I have often observed that for Christians, the twenty-first century looks more like the first century than any in between. Here’s one example: our movement must be validated today in precisely the same way it was validated when it began.

Early Christians had no denominations; ours are declining and considered irrelevant by many. Early believers did not separate themselves into clergy and laity (the latter term did not come into popular use until the third and fourth centuries); “clergy” today are increasingly held in disrespect. For early Christians, making their faith public could be dangerous; the persecution of Christians today has been described as worse “than at any time in history.”

Early Christians were widely seen as a threat to the religious authorities (cf. John 11:45–53; 12:9–11; Acts 4:1–22; 5:17–42) and to the Empire (thus the martyrdoms of Peter and Paul and the exile of John); Christian morality is seen as dangerous by many today. (For more, see my e-book, Respected to Irrelevant to Dangerous: Does Religion Poison Everything?)

Read More From Dr. Jim Denison

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