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Biblical Truth

Scott Troyer was on my staff at WFRN Christian Radio when I was sales manager, over 30 years ago now. Scott and his lovely wife Nickie have been through so many tough challenges, but have never lost their faith in God Almighty, in fact their faith is stronger than ever! Please pray for Nicki as she is going through many health challenges. I Love the picture of these two love birds. I love this from Scott:
I want to thank you all for praying yesterday, and many of you for a very long time. I am hopeful this procedure will take and be the start of healing in my body. In the process they also did a diagnostic colonoscopy. They did find a polyp on the left side. They removed it and surrounding tissue. They said the polyp was most likely missed my past couple colonoscopies. They were unable to do diagnostics on the right side because of some complications with equipment. When they realized they had already put the matter on that right side. They did send the polyp and the tissue out and pathology should be back in 2 weeks. Depending on the pathology on the left side, they will make a decision on if they need to go back in and do diagnostics on the right side. The doctors, nurses and staff that have been caring for me have been amazing. Those in Indy, Cleveland and especially my family doctor and everyone who works there, along with my Endo. I am a blessed woman. You have all been a blessing to me and my precious family! God is good all the time. Now, I wait, I trust, and I receive His mercies, they are new every morning!
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