Be the Prayer!


The definitive and absolute purpose to the believer’s prayer is to rout Satan’s strategy and facilitate God’s will upon the earth.   In the believer’s submission to the Spirit, (“walking in the Spirit”), he may accomplish this in his character and presence often without full knowledge of this occurrence.

Many, many years ago while in seminary, three fellow students attended a convention of Satan worshipers in a convention center in Dallas, Texas strictly out of curiosity.   They sat way in the back, at a great elevation from the platform.   Apparently, the satanic activity on the stage was being hindered, and the leaders of the event soon pointed these young men out from afar and demanded they leave, as their presence was obstructing their program.

Right, fervent, prayer becomes a presence which overtakes the person.   You are prayer.   The Believer who “walks in the Spirit”, himself, becomes a powerful prayer hindering evil influences, changing men and events, and helping God in His plans.    This is the only rational way one might “pray without ceasing.”   The weight of this Spirit of Prayer, the Holy Spirit, is constantly going out, though we are not always aware of it.   It is a great encouragement to know that this Spirit prayer-power is emanating from us constantly, as we “walk in the Spirit” (being a submissive, usable, and available vessel for God’s will and purpose).

This Spirit influence does not recognize the limitations of time or distance.    All of this right praying makes a difference at the other end, in the place, circumstance, or person(s) to which it is intended.   Your prayer is a Spirit- intensity arriving immediately wherever in the world you may be praying.   Things happen that otherwise would not have happened.   Opposition weakens or difficulties give way.   Directions are made clear; truth becomes obvious.    Health is restored; strength renewed; justice prevails.   Men and women are set free. The Kingdom of God is enlarged.   All of this seems to fall into what Paul was referring to when he said, “Pray without ceasing.”    Pray, yes, of course.   But also, be the prayer.    “Walk in the Spirit.”   America, the world, the Kingdom of God, needs this kind of believer!  Pray On!

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