PRAYERWALK—Washington D.C.

PEACE. PEACE. Peace . . . In these days, and because of these days, I looked back at the first three words I opened with, and my first thought was that this word looks strange to me. Did I misspell it? After focusing, I realized that it was spelled rightly, but we are experiencing and living it wrongly; so wrongly that it appeared to me to be a strange thing.
I have been prayerwalking (yes, that’s how I spell it, because to me it represents one action), throughout Washington D.C., from the White House to the U.S. Capitol Building, and much more, many times this week (4 times today).
The themes of my praying were: forgive us, have mercy on us, protect us, and restore peace. I have not prayed against a single human being, but I have spoken to the LORD against the evil one and all the evil plots and plans that one may have in these coming days. I have asked that evil might be revealed before it is experienced, then weakened, hindered, or destroyed as His will might permit. My heart and prayer is on a rescue mission for my homeland on this earth (my heavenly home is secured), but beloved, understand this clearly, America does not deserve God’s mercy! However, God’s mercy is the only way we might survive these troubled times.
My purpose in this writing is not so much to share all that I have prayed as I journeyed, as there has been much shared, asked and heard with God. But my purpose is two-fold; first, I want to share some feelings, emotions, and even tears as I moved about D.C.
I have always wanted to visit D.C., but I have never been able to make it happen for many reasons. This week in prayer, I started at The White House. I even took a virtual tour through the building, praying as I went. My emotions were both joy and sorrow, yet my praying remained focused on my Father’s will being done. My walk took me from the White House to the South lawn by the same name and slowly onward toward the Capitol Building. Each of these buildings is filled with more history than I have lived. The awe of gazing on these magnificent structures (though far away physically) was overwhelming to me. Some feelings were hard to understand, and I paused before each trying to grasp clarity of emotions. However, I remained focused on the reason for my virtual visits.
To round out my prayerwalking experience, I sought out many popular memorials located in that area of Washington which were marked and highlighted by the satellite mapping, some of which were very old, yet all were more touching to me than I was prepared. I dropped in on 16 altogether, but let me share a few. These will not necessarily be in the order that I went, but allow me to revisit them in my memory at the moment:
Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial—Oh, a mixture of emotions came into my heart as memories flooded my mind. He had courage. He sought, promoted, and even sacrificed peace. Dr. King was a peaceful freedom and equality pursuer. I called to mind the day he was taken from us before he realized his impact. His was a life of sacrifice, and I am not even referring to his death. He sacrificed his own peace and comfort in a quest for bringing about a better world. As a Vietnam veteran just returning from the evils of war, I hungered for peace. I watched every report about his activities; I had been watching the report of his assassination that night in my barracks. There again, I longed for and prayed for peace and goodwill among men.
I delayed a few moments before the Lincoln Memorial. I have admired this President since I was in the first grade learn some history surround his birthday (in those days we did not combine President’s Day). Here was another man sacrificed while attempting to serve others. I prayed.
Next, I will mention the 56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence Memorial. These were men who literally put their names on the line for freedom. Signing that document placed huge targets on their backs. More lives sacrificed for freedom.
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Vietnam Women’s Memorial, and American Veterans Disabled for life, The Three Soldiers Statue, WWII Memorial, Korean War Veterans Memorial; more sacrifices, and some the ultimate sacrifice. My eyes were moist as I prayed in these locations. So many lives offered and sacrificed for freedom. Freedom to live life in the pursuit of happiness is too valuable to lose, especially at the cost to hold freedom all these many years paid by our brave patriots. I prayed for their lives and memories, and that the cost of freedom would not be too high to keep.
I stumbled onto a memorial that I had not been aware of; I’m thinking that maybe many are not aware of, or have forgotten about: the Depression Breadline Sculpture. I literally lost it as the significance of then, and the uncertainty of our tomorrows stopped me like a blow to the stomach.
I remember grandparents and great grandparents speaking of the hardships of those Depression years. Oh, beloved Americans, brothers and sisters in Christ, we must get right with God, and unify with the common cause of real freedom. Peace is what we seek. Peace, real lasting peace, is found only in Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. Repent. Pray On!