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Walk for Life Set for Monday in Santa Fe

Pictured here is Ethel Maharg Executive Director

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January 22, 2021
Hello Everyone,

I realize it is short notice, but an actual Walk for Life will be taking place on Monday, January 25th in Santa Fe.

 We will be meeting at the PERA parking lot at 10 AM for prayer, followed by a march to the plaza then the Capitol. I would like to ask you to make your own signs that say My Favorite Right is Life and take pictures of you and your family holding them. We want to change the message from death to life. Please  send a copy to me then take those signs to the march. If there is anyway possible that you can attend, please come join us.
A quick reminder of the virtual Walk For Life taking place tonight at 7PM. If you have not registered it’s not too late to join. Click here to register.
Thank you all for all you do for the cause of life.
God bless,
Ethel Maharg
Executive Director
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