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Ministering in America

One of the biggest blessings that God has given us here at FGGAM is all of the writers He has gathered together to serve the LORD. Most everyone here at FGGAM has been given a ministry to look over and reach the world for Jesus, we all are ‘grassroot ministries’ as I like to say, working out of our homes with prayer, a Bible, computer (DONATED) phone and car, (DONATED)nothing fancy dancy required. LOW OVERHEAED! NO DEBT TO MAN!! ALL GIVEN BY GOD ALMIGHTY!!!!! TRUTH!!!! I beleive that grassroot ministries that are biblically sound, called by God and not man, are having a huge impact in the world for JESUS! God has used so many people here at FGGAM for His Glory Alone in our nearly 8 1/2 years of our service. One of those that God sent to us  back in 2013 is Shari Johnson, known as the Jesus Chick. I will never forget after the first Revival we did in my beautiful hometown of Windom, Minnesota, I referred to Shari, as the Jesus Chick, and my brother Dave came up to me afterwards and said, “Dewey, did you know that you called that lady a ‘chick’! LOL! I had to remind Dave that is the name of the ministry God has given her. If I remember the story correctly, it is folks back in Shari’s home in West Virginia that gave her that name.

I have learned a lot from Shari, she is CONSISTENT in her life! She shows the ‘stick with it’ attitude for JESUS! She doesn’t change when difficult times come…she sticks with JESUS and HIS WAYS and HIS MESSAGE OF HOPE! Shari tackles today problems in the world always from a BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE! I wish I could say that about all of the people in America. Shari will be the first to tell you she is not perfect, we all are a work in progress, we all need to stay focused on JESUS. Shari is not about herself at all. Shari is all about JESUS and YOU! Shari is here to SERVE JESUS and YOU and I. How about you?

Even though the title of  this post is Ministering in America, we are so super blessed to serve the world for JESUS! We are able to see by the world map provided to is by our web service what countries we serve and the number of people in every specific country on Gods green earth, it is amazing…it leaves me once again in the AWE of GOD! God told me when he formed FGGAM, to serve one person at a time……..that is what we strive to do whether it is in Reserve, New Mexico, Windom Minnesota, Grantsville, West Virginia or India or China…..on and on where God goes, we follow, God is our leader!

We plant seeds for JESUS, we get our hands and feet dirty digging in the dirt planting seeds for the Kingdom of God…nothing fancy….we work for a Jewish carpenter, best boss I have ever had!

God gave me my life verse when he formed FGGAM 8 1/2 years ago……

“But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” -Acts 20:24

We also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope.
Romans 5:3-4

Yesterday I had a super blessing being on Shari’s podcast program. What a Godly honor! Give it a listen, as we cover a lot of ground in talking about this world we live in:

Listen Here: Ministering in America

Grassroot ministries, don’t worry about the numbers, one person at a time

Be Consistent, stick with it

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