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Tony Evans Has COVID, Headquarters Damaged By Storm, Preaches Sermon on “A Spiritual Weather Forecast”

Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Pastor Tony Evans has COVID-19. In an Instagram post on Friday, Evans said he is undergoing treatment for the virus and asked for prayers for his ministry, family, partners, and church members during this time.

In spite of his positive diagnosis, Pastor Evans preached a sermon on Job which was titled “A Spiritual Weather Forecast.” Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, located in the Dallas, Texas area, had to cancel many of their services this past week due to record-breaking weather conditions that left many without power, water, and heat in Texas. Evans preached Sunday’s sermon from his home, and it was broadcast via the church’s website and social media.Complete Story from ChurchLeaders

I asked Pastor Leonard Navarre of Lubbock, Texas to lead us in prayer:

Our Heavenly Father we come to you on behalf of two states.  First, we pray for strength, comfort and solutions for the state of Texas.  So many were affected by the frigid temperatures, frozen pipes causing homes to suffer, lack of water, destruction to septic systems, and problems with entire city water systems.  We pray for your strong right hand to give them peace and especially patience as so many are dealing with these horrendous problems.  We also come before you on behalf of those folks in southern Louisiana who are still trying to rebuild from the devastation of Hurricane Laura.  In my home town, Lake Charles, La, the multi story bank building still has hundreds of windows still boarded up.  Thousands of homes still have blue tarps on their roofs waiting on insurance and contractors.  So Heavenly Father as your word states, “when one suffers we all suffer”, we come together united in spirit to pray for those who are suffering so.  Please give them comfort, encouragement and patience in the midst of their suffering.  We pray that you will heal our land physically and spiritually.  We ask all this in the name that is above every name our Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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