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Watch Your Words

A Moment with Joni
Watch Your Words
By Joni Eareckson Tada
Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor.
Ephesians 4:25

Ours is a freewheeling culture in which people think they are free to say whatever they want, whenever and wherever they choose. I thought about this when my Christian friend blustered a few hotly political words in a heated debate with an unbeliever. And I wondered, does this advance the cause of Christ? God’s Word is truth, and John 14:6 says that the Son of God is truth. This means any of our words which are thoughtless, hurtful or even slightly untrue stand in direct opposition to God himself. Scott Sauls explains that in Scripture, “Gossip and slander are confronted more fiercely by Jesus than adultery and stealing.” So today, before that careless word slips from your tongue, think, “Is it true? Will this genuinely help the listener, rather than wound him?” Please remember all this before you speak; remember that Jesus is listening.

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