February 16, 2021
Today’s Daily Devotional
“Therefore, you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.”
Are you saved? If you are, then you are a saint.
Now you’re probably saying, “But I can’t say that. Christ wants me to be humble.”
But let me tell you what real humility is. It is accepting what God says about you, and God says you’re a saint. Now, that doesn’t make you sinless; it makes you blameless. In God’s sight (and that’s the only sight that counts) you are a saint. God sees you as perfect because He sees you draped in the righteousness of His Son. Glory to God for His indescribable love to us!
Stand in front of the mirror and say out loud, “I am a saint.” Spread the Good News to your family and friends who are saved—that they are saints, too!
Hear the latest radio message
Family Finances | Part 2
1 Timothy 6:5-10, 17
It could be said that money is the root of a majority of the problems in our homes. The enemy’s plan is to keep families in financial bondage. In this message, Adrian Rogers provides wisdom regarding family finances.
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You Are Not to Play Judge
Don’t let these painful words of accusation disrupt the love that God desires for your home.
Earth’s most powerful people are parents of faith. Your family is the world’s most critical classroom. Read more about how to have faith for your family here.
Are you satisfied with what you know already of God? Or are you ready to go deeper— to know Him better and recognize Him by His names? Sign up for the 21-day challenge here.
Learn more about the Names of God through our new card set available in our online store. The card set explores the Names of God from Genesis to Revelation. These cards will help you get to know Jesus through His names as you study the scriptures. Purchase your set here.