My Dear Brother Dwaine Hickman passed this along to us…….

Psalm 77:13-14, “Who is so great a God as our God? You are the God who does wonders.” There have been other gods that people have worshipped down through the years but none like Jehovah God of the Bible. None of these man made gods could do what our true God did and does. He created all things, controls all things. He parted the Red Sea, delivered Daniel from the den of lions, walked on the water, fed 5,000, healed lepers, raised the dead, calmed the storm and these are just a few of the wonders God has done and can still do if he wants to. Dear God, you tell us to not have any other gods before us. So help myself and others not to ever bow before any other so called god other than you. You truly are the God who does wonders, in Jesus name, Amen.

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