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Albuquerque Police Union Wants You to Hear Their Side on The Increase in Violent Crime

I have posted a link to the report on the Albuquerque Police Union campaign against the Department of Justice reforms and also a KRQE video report. Have you ever seen the Fed’s get involved with a police department and the out come is good? For that matter, have you ever seen the Fed’s get involved with anything and it has a good outcome? If you have, let me know. The Albuquerque Police Union has some very good points to make. I beleive the biggest problem is the Keller Administration. The Mayor is running the department, the chief is a figure head, the Mayors puppet. That is a shame. Politics and law enforcement don’t mix. The way Keller fired Chief Geier still rankles me, firing him in a city park! No class! All this as violent crime is rampant in the city. There is extreme division between the police and the Mayor’s team, not good when your fighting an evil enemy such as murderers. A recent report shows the population growth of New Mexico has slowed. I am very sad to say this, but since we moved here in 1995  things were bad then and they are getting worse, everything from crime to poverty…child poverty is horrible, the state continues to kill babies through abortion, children where killed here awhile back because of drunk driving, now the state has legalized pot, so pot heads can drive and kill and children and  become hooked on it at home, don’t forget the home delivery of booze was approved this past session. It seems that the majority of New Mexicans love to feed addictions. The state lacks BOLD CHRISTIAN LEADERS! There is something very wrong spiritually in New Mexico when the majority of the people continue vote for ant-life politicians. New Mexico is broken. The state loves pep rally’s, but it continues its extreme dysfunction. Now you see why I am not popular in this state. I WILL STAND STRONG FOR MY LORD ALWAYS!!!

The state has been kidnapped by ungodly people for years. New Mexico is doing great damage to the future of its children.

APD has made 10 arrests in city’s 40 homicides in 2021

Census: New Mexico among slowest growing Western states

And people wonder why God is withholding rain from New Mexico and water is a huge issue.

Zechariah 14:17

And if any of the families of the earth do not go up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, there will be no rain on them.

2 Chronicles 7:13-14

When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locust to devour the land, or send pestilence among my people, if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Albuquerque police union starts campaign to push back against DOJ requirements

I do not know what more folks are not calling for prayer everyday at noon for rain in New Mexico. It is just plain bad here. Ranchers in Catron County are using cotton seed bought from Texas to help “fill up their cattle’. Vegetation is just plain gone in many areas. The Elk are raiding gardens and anything they can eat. Is the Governor paying attention? It seems to me that I have not heard a word from her on our severe drought and the plight of our ranchers and rural communities and the WATER ISSUE FOR THE STATE! The next war in America could well be over water.

Read here how a man came to the rescue of his neighbors……..PTL!!!

Edgewood man helps save homes from wildfire

Cowboy Deacon Charles McCargish has lived in Reserve NM for 65 years and says this is the worst drought he has ever seen! The ranch land is parched in Catron County! We prayed for rain at Church yesterday! This is a very serious situation for our ranchers and many others! Also pray for no fires!

New Mexico Wildfire Info

New Mexico Drought Monitor

NM may lose ownership of its water rights

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