April 09, 2021
Today’s Daily Devotional
What does the word “hope” mean in the Bible? It doesn’t mean “maybe.” We may use it that way in modern English, but that’s not what the word “hope” means when used in Scripture.
“Hope” means certainty, but not just any certainty. When the Bible says “hope,” it means a rock-ribbed assurance with anticipation, based on the Word of God.
When I was a little boy, my dad would take us out for a ride on Sunday afternoon. We kids would be in the back seat, getting into squabbles. If things got too heated, my dad would turn around and say, “When you boys get home, I’m going to whip you.” With my dad, I knew this was a rock-ribbed truth! We could anticipate it, but not with gladness!
Our hope, however, our rock-ribbed assurance, comes with glad anticipation!
Share the hope of eternal life in Jesus Christ with someone today. Maybe there’s someone at the hospital who needs you to speak words of hope. Maybe it’s a member of your family!
90 Seconds of Profound Truth
God Will Test You
Faith that can’t be tested is a faith that can’t be trusted.
Hear the latest message
The Last Step on the Way Down | Part 1
Romans 1:24
It seems our nation is on the last step on the way down, toward the society Paul warns about in the Book of Romans. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals the danger of “tolerance” in a society bent on sexual immorality, and calls the church to a higher standard of purity.
Season 2 launches on April 15! It has been reformatted to include a panel of guests and cultivate a meaningful discussion of the essentials of our faith. Each episode is based on Pastor Adrian Rogers’ series What Every Christian Ought to Know. Find out more!