Eyes Of Destiny… Angel’s Prayer of The Day


Eyes Of Destiny…

Recently, I had a divine appointment. There was no way man could have ever put this together. It was orchestrated by God himself. I love when that happens, I just love it. He is the only one I know who can work a plan around the world so quickly. I always want to be sensitive to those divine appointments, I always do, don’t you?

Today, let’s ask God for more God interventions in our lives. Let’s ask him for new eyes to  recognize when he sets them up. I believe God interacts with us more than we are aware of, if we give him permission. Are you ready for a glorious day?

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you for another beautiful morning. This is the day you have made and we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Father, thank you that our dreams and our future are in your hands. Father, we dream big, we have faith and we wave good-bye to yesterday and any limitations. We declare we are on our way to destiny. In Matthew 17:20 to be exact Jesus tells us to have faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, move from here to there, and it will move and nothing will be impossible for you.

Father, thank you for being the God of impossibilities. Limitless Jesus, lead us this day. You have the keys, the divine appointments, the divine connections, you are the all sufficient one.

Father, today, we take the limits off of ourselves and you, oh God. We believe Luke 1:37 that tells us with you, nothing shall be impossible. Nothing means just that.

Father, we pull down every hindrance, everything and anything that would hold us back. You are our God and we are your people. In you there are no limits and no boundaries. We walk with the highest authority on the earth, the authority of Jesus Christ. Even the wind must obey.

Together, all across this globe we declare our visions, our destinies are coming to pass. This is our season; this is our time with no limitations. Limitless Jesus, the world shows us every day what they can do. Today, oh God, show the world what you can do, through us your chosen people. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. Never forget Jesus Words in Luke 18:27 What is impossible with man is possible with God. Stay blessed and full to overflowing with his Holy Spirit. Put your new destiny glasses on and see what God is going to do. Believe…


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