What Will You Do?



“What a fellowship, what a joy divine . . .”

We of the Church often sing about this, and we can and do enjoy a great fellowship with Jesus, thanks to His death, burial, and resurrection.   But think about the very first fellowship between God and man.

Adam was man fresh from the hands of our Creator God.  He was perfect, unsoiled humanity as God had designed by intention.   Adam worked side by side, hand in hand with God, as together they finalized God’s creation.

God assigned to Adam the task of naming and listing (somehow), all of the creatures God had created (apparently, God did not name them as He created them).

 The two worked and fellowshipped so well together that God accepted all of Adam’s choices without question or challenge.   We often speak about our being able to trust God, but here is an example of God trusting man, completely.

“What a fellowship, what a joy divine . . .”

Can God trust you as completely?   The very idea of fellowship implies equal love, respect; meaningful communication building trust of all within.   Have you noticed, this past 14 months of fear, confusion, mind control, and pandemic isolation has been effectively fracturing fellowship?   What will you do to restore what the evil one has stolen?   Pray On!

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