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Why does Easter have to be centered on religion?

Why does Easter have to be centered on religion?

Apr 3, 2021

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Easter seems to be a time of emerging from the dark winter into hope and new life. But the religious emphasis seems far-fetched. Why does Easter have to be centered on religion? — E.U.

A: There would be no Easter without the truth of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Springtime itself speaks of new life. The resurrection gives meaning and power to the cross. The ultimate victory of the cross is that it could not hold the Savior of the world who rose to new life and was victorious over death. He finished His work for mankind there but the cross did not finish Him. He triumphed over sin, winning salvation for mankind. Easter would mean nothing without this powerful truth, carrying our hopes beyond the coldness and depths of the grave.

Some believe that Jesus died leaving a legacy of being a good teacher who left behind profound thoughts and challenges, but they reject the truth that He was raised from the dead. Others think the resurrection was a hoax. There are those who question whether Jesus even existed. True believers in Jesus Christ have no doubt that He lived among us and ultimately conquered the sting of death, offering the human race the greatest gift — His sacrificial love.

The bloodstained cross is gruesome to some, but the empty cross is full of hope. Satan, overly eager to thwart God’s purposes, overstepped his bounds, and God turned what seemed to be life’s greatest tragedy into history’s greatest triumph. The death of Christ, perpetrated by evil men, was thought by them to be the end, but His grave became but a doorway to victory. Jesus purchased our redemption and provided righteousness that we could not ourselves earn. The cross is the symbol of salvation because it represents doom for sin and hope for sinners. Christ’s sacrifice condemns sin and cleanses souls. This is the ultimate victory.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2021 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.


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