New Mexico Governor is MIA During Unemployment Overpayment Mess


Since we moved here New Mexico has never had a good governor! Gary Johnson? I do not know what planet he lives on….Bill Richardson? I get ill when I hear that guys name, Susanna Martinez? I still am upset I did not get invited to her pizza party!!! I am kidding of course, the time she called off the Santa Fe Police to her party! She lied to me on air during my KKIM days, I also waited an hour for my meeting with her and then I was told she could not meet with me. The GOP seems to forget all the pay outs the state had to do because of misbehavior during the Martinez administration. Now we have Michelle Lujan Grisham….enough said. Two Dems, two Republicans. That is why I am an Independent. What a mess in New Mexico, it is getting worse day by day. Why can’t New Mexico do better? Why do New Mexicans keep putting  anti-life people in office? Why? Abortion, assisted suicide, pot, booze and now home deliver of booze…..New Mexico is feeding addictions, going the way of Satan. One of the main reasons crime is out of control is the feeding of addictions, DRUGS AND BOOZE! What is your future New Mexico?

New Mexico, you confuse me more than any state I have lived in. Being a radio guy for over 40 years I have lived in my share of states. New Mexico is so very confusing. It dwells at the bottom in so many categories, such as the well-being of children. New Mexico kills babies through abortion. Child hunger is high. I have never seen so many ‘high school pep rallies’ in my life, with people thinking that will change this state. Dysfunction flourishes in this state. If you want change New Mexico, you will have to be the hands and feet of Jesus. You will have to serve like Mother Teresa and go into the depths of hell to save people like she did with the lepers in India. You cannot stay inside your walls.

From the folks at National Day of Prayer: Pentecost Sunday is this coming weekend, and marks the celebration of the Holy Spirit’s coming with power, signs, and wonders fifty days after the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Jesus had told His disciples that He would send Another Advocate, Intercessor, Consoler, Comforter, Helper – One who would be with them forever – and when He came, EVERYONE knew it! He came BOLDLY, with a GREAT COMMOTION, and EVIDENCES that no one could deny! The same Spirit and the same power that had raised Christ Jesus from the dead, now came to LIVE in them! When the Holy Spirit moved in, their lives changed immediately – and supernaturally.

As we reflect on Pentecost this weekend, let’s reflect on this truth from Romans 8:11, as it applies to us, “The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you.” … think about that!  The same Holy Spirit that came in BOLDLY like a MIGHTY, ROARING WIND at that first Pentecost, now LIVES IN US! If we have received Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, then our lives should be overflowing with EVIDENCES that He lives in us!  The very SAME Advocate, Intercessor, Consoler, Comforter, Helper who was sent to THEM – has been sent to US! As we reflect on this truth, let’s ask ourselves the same question that Francis Schaeffer asked in the title of one of his books, “How Then Should We Live?”

From Adrian Rogers:

It is important that we understand that while Jesus Christ and the Church are not identical, they are inseparable. We cannot forsake the Church; we must remain faithful in fellowship.

This passage describes the Church as a body, with Christ as the head. As our bodies inhabit our humanity, the Church inhabits Jesus Christ. The body serves the life of the person who lives inside of it; likewise, we are Jesus’ hands and feet.

Jesus is the invisible part of the visible Church, and the Church is the visible part of the invisible Christ.

The formation of the Church Body begins when the members are spiritually born again and filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. As a result, we are bound together as a single body in fellowship. We share a common life, unified by the Holy Spirit dwelling in each of us. We belong to one another, casting aside isolation as well as any competition with one another.

What is Christian leadership?

Christian leadership is a dynamic relational process in which people, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, partner to achieve a common goal – it is serving others by leading by example,

Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful. 1 Corinthians 4:2

Where no wise guidance is, the people falleth; But in the multitude of counsellors there is safety. Proverbs 11:14

NOW LOOK! Trouble is boiling over and the governor is MIA.

Gov. Lujan Grisham nowhere to be seen amid unemployment overpayment crisis

FGGAM NEWS received this news release from the New Mexico GOP Senate:

Bombshell LFC Report Details Mismanagement of Unemployment Insurance at State Department of Workforce Solutions

“State has made $250 million in benefit overpayments since the start of the pandemic”

LAS CRUCES – The Legislative Finance Committee (LFC) today received a report from LFC staff detailing significant mismanagement of unemployment insurance (UI) benefits and claims at the New Mexico Departments of Workforce Solutions. According to the report, the department made an estimated $250 million in UI benefit overpayments during the pandemic. Further, inadequate oversight and a misinterpretation of local and federal laws led to inaccurate calculations of taxes and benefits.

“I understand that the COVID-19 pandemic placed an unprecedented burden on the department and its staff as unemployment claims surged to historic levels,” said Senator Crystal Diamond (District 35-Doña Ana, Hidalgo, Luna, and Sierra), a member of the Senate Finance Committee.  “At the same time, we must address this massive mismanagement of taxpayer dollars and hold the responsible parties accountable. Overpayments, erroneous calculations, and widespread fraud have led to an insolvent unemployment insurance trust fund. If the fund is not replenished and if New Mexicans do not return to work, our local businesses will yet again be facing higher taxes.”

Following the Governor’s economic shutdown, New Mexico’s unemployment rate skyrocketed to 12.5 percent in July 2020, with 197,000 New Mexicans filing for UI benefits. The surge prompted the state to borrow $278 million from the federal government to pay claims and by waiving the work search requirement, LFC staff determined that the state “contributed to a disincentive for claimants to look for work.”

“This is yet another example of the executive creating a huge problem and the Legislature having to step in and fix it,” added Senator Diamond. “Based on the State Auditor’s report, we know there was poor oversight, inadequate training, and inaccurate interpretations of federal guidelines. The Governor is responsible for the actions of her departments and New Mexicans deserve to know what she is doing to ensure this never happens again.”

Other findings in the LFC report include:

·       The large and growing backlog of uninvestigated claims may take more than a year to address at the department’s current pace.

·       New Mexico’s recovery rate of overpayments fell to less than 20 percent in FFY20.

·       Fraud rates have more than doubled since 2018.

·       Identity theft associated with government benefits increased more than 500 percent from 2019 to 2020 in the state.

FGGAM NEWS just received this news release from the New Mexico GOP House

New Mexico House Republicans Call on Governor to Rescind Federal Unemployment Benefit and Create a New Return-to-Work Bonus

Santa Fe, NM – Today, the House Republican Leadership wrote to Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham requesting that her Administration rescind the supplemental $300 per week federal unemployment benefit and create a new $1,200 return-to-work bonus as an incentive to encourage New Mexicans to reenter the workforce.

Employers across the state are finding it difficult to find new employees, and many of these businesses believe the current labor shortage is due to the $300 per week extra unemployment benefit.   While the extra $300 per week federal benefit served a useful purpose during the pandemic when New Mexico’s small businesses and other employers were laying off employees, now that the state’s economy is almost completely reopened and hiring has returned to normal, this extra unemployment benefit is acting as a disincentive for workers to take jobs, and are hindering the state’s economic recovery from the pandemic‘s economic shutdowns.

The House Republican Leadership team are pushing this return-to-work incentive after hearing yesterday of the administrative failings at the Department of Workforce Solutions (DWS) during a Legislative Finance Committee (LFC) hearing.  LFC’s staff estimated DWS has overpaid $250 million in unemployment benefits.  This mismanagement coupled with the department’s inability to handle the number of unemployment claims proves it is time for the state to redirect efforts to getting New Mexicans back to work.

To date, more than 21 states have announced intentions to rescind this extra federal unemployment benefit sometime this summer to help address labor shortages in their states.   Three states (Montana, Arizona, and Oklahoma) have also announced the creation of a return-to-work bonus to provide a positive incentive for workers to take unfilled jobs.  These bonuses would typically be paid to formerly unemployed workers who have been at a new job for at least a month.

“Now is the perfect time to eliminate this disincentive for people to get back to work as there are thousands of jobs across New Mexico that are going unfilled,” said Republican Floor Leader Townsend (R-Artesia).  “Employers want and need new employees to get their businesses back open completely, and eliminating this extra benefit while at the same time creating a new return-to-work bonus should make a huge difference in getting our economy back on stable ground.”


NM Governor Lujan Grisham Accused Of Using Campaign Funds For Personal Use

I get emails often from the Governor asking for money! Never give, but the emails keep coming!

A recent series of reports by the Piñon Post uncovered Governor Lujan Grisham’s misuse of campaign funds. NM Ethics Commission investigating Gov. Lujan Grisham for misusing campaign funds

From the New Mexico Republican Party: The Governor so far has paid her daughter, Erin Grisham, $6,083.88 since 2017 for “media preparation.” By her daughter’s admission via her LINKEDIN profile, she served as the “stylist and cosmetology consultant for Michelle Lujan Grisham for Governor Media.”

The use of campaign funds for personal reasons is against state statute, which clearly states, “Personal use of campaign funds is any use of funds in a campaign account to fulfill a commitment, obligation or expense of any candidate or legislator that would exist regardless of the candidate’s campaign or responsibilities as a legislator.” NMCA.

Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver’s own official 2020 Campaign Finance Guide further affirms that the Governor is violating the law. The Guide specifically says: “Hair, nail, or make-up expenses” are not permissible campaign expenses.

An example given by Toulouse Oliver of unpermitted expenses reads: “A candidate for the legislature would like to get her nails done prior to walking neighborhoods in her district to meet and greet. This is not a permissible expenditure of campaign funds.”

John Block, Piñon Post’s editor, has formally filed an ethics complaint with the State Ethics Commission on the matter. The Commission accepted the complaint, and RPNM is calling for a full investigation into this misuse of funds.

The Governor is misusing funds for personal items, and she has no excuse—her own daughter admits to the violation and the Secretary of State’s Office makes the rules crystal clear.

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