Have Your Cogs Been Adjusted? Angel’s Prayer Of The Day…


Have Your Cogs Been Adjusted?

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. This morning I felt like wishing everyone Happy Patriots Day. Last night as we began to put the pians in place for the upcoming Healing Waters Women’s Conference 2021, I sensed a newness, a refreshing. I sensed the shift. I know in the natural this sounds unusual, as Patriots Day occurred months ago. However, when our timing meets God’s timing, watch out baby.

Life is precious and our God takes life very seriously. He gave his only son Jesus Christ for us to have life and life more abundantly. (John 10:10)  When it involves life, he is on it like bee on honey.

I have heard it said many times that New England is the womb of this great nation. (Dutch Sheets, Chuck Pierce) My heart leaps every time I see the picture of these babies wrapped in patriot blankets in a hospital nursery in New England. (Massachusetts) It seems birthing always starts in New England. The birthing of revival.

In our nation, Maine is the first place the sun touches. In other words, before the sun touches the rest of the nation, it touches Maine first. I believe the words As Maine goes so goes the nation. Yes, I do believe.

When God opens a womb and the process of birthing begins, nothing can hold it back. It is an appointed time from God himself. The East gate is open and baby we are ready for the greatest awakening this world has ever known. The birthing process had already started years prior, the womb had opened and now New England the time has come to push for the new birth.

This is your time beautiful people. His gaze is upon you. His love letter is already in your mailbox, signed, sealed and delivered. You just need to open it up and receive the gift God gave you, paid for on a cross with his very life. (John 3:16) Somebody shout awakening. Somebody shout I receive.

Let’s Pray:

Father, I sense this morning this is a very important day, season and time. The Son of righteousness with healing in His wings is shining upon us here in New England. Father, the gates in New England are open. Maine is in position to receive.

Father, we sense the time has come to birth this great awakening. Your Son is shining on us here in New England, and we push through. You told us to decree a thing and it would be established. (Job 22:28) We decree the arrival, the birth of this awakening in the all powerful name of Jesus Christ.

Father, thank you for showing yourself strong. Father, thank you for pouring out your spirit of revival over New England to the nation(s) of the world. We receive the Joel 2:28 anointing. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. Happy Patriots Day! Thank him for this revival, this awakening. Thank him for his love, his mercy, his liberty and his freedom.

Somebody shout from the Crown of Maine to 7 continents of the world, hear the Word of the Lord.

Lift up your heads, you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is he, this King of glory? The Lord Almighty—he is the King of glory. (Psalm 24: 9-10)


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