By Michael Gryboski, Christian Post Reporter
An atheist legal organization has sent a complaint letter to a public hospital in Texas for displaying a large banner at its parking garage asking God for protection and making multiple chaplain videos with Christian content.
The hospital says it plans to remove the banner as part of its original plan, saying it was only supposed to be displayed temporarily during the pandemic.
These stories are always a reminder that we must stand strong for God and His people. The attacks by Satan are such heavy artillery right now on America.
Almost half of Americans consider abortion to be “morally acceptable”
Not Good America!!! Here in New Mexico the voters keep putting anti-life politicians in the legislature! Hard for me stomach that.
By Michael Gryboski, Christian Post Reporter
Almost half of Americans consider abortion to be “morally acceptable,” the highest percentage to think so in the past 20 of surveying the question, according to a new report by Gallup.
In the report released Wednesday, Gallup found that 47% of surveyed Americans view abortion as “morally acceptable,” the largest percentage recorded by Gallup since it began recording data on the question in 2001.
By contrast, 46% of surveyed Americans said they believe that abortion is “morally wrong,” or 10 percentage points less than the 56% of respondents who said the same in 2009.
“Americans have been typically more inclined to say abortion is morally wrong than morally acceptable, though the gap has narrowed in recent years,” wrote Gallup Research Consultant Megan Brenan.
Record percentage of Americans consider abortion ‘morally acceptable’ in new poll