Focus on the Family: To be empowered to stand up for life, you need to know the facts, receive your FREE 8-part video series called “8 Lies About Abortion”


Pastor Dewey Note: I got this email overnight and I wanted to share it with you so you could order the video and continue your education on the horrors’ of abortion and spread the message all over the world to save God’s babies.



To be empowered to stand up for life, you need to know the facts.


I have no doubt that you value life. But to express your beliefs in a culture that embraces abortion, you need to know the truth.


Society has tried to deceive you and others about the terrible realities of legalized abortion. To be empowered, you need to know the facts.


For a limited time, receive your FREE, 8-part video series called “8 Lies About Abortion.”

This video series was created to give you critical information and will help you share the truth with anyone impacted by decades of misinformation. And if abortion is part of your story, it will offer you hope for healing.


In these 8 short videos, you will hear from experts like Dr. Alveda King, Abby Johnson, Candice Owens, and Lila Rose. They’ll share the truth about these 8 lies:

  • Lie #1: “My Body, My Choice”
  • Lie #2: Lies disguised as “Education”
  • Lie #3: “Lies Planned Parenthood Perpetrates”
  • Lie #4: “Abortion is Healthcare”
  • Lie #5: “I Have No Other Options”
  • Lie #6: “Abortion Does Not Affect Men”
  • Lie #7: “There Are No Consequences”
  • Lie #8: “Abortion Survivors Are Not Real”

Get your videos when you sign up and remember, it’s absolutely FREE! Click here to learn the truth!


Jim Daly
Focus on the Family

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