PRAY TEAM JESUS! UPDATED: Kabul Airport Attacked!




Many of us knew this was going to happened. Biden has failed us! Biden has failed to protect our troops, citizens and Afghans, and our allies on the ground. Biden’s strategy is a complete disaster. Biden has no business being President of the United States, this proves he is incapable of protecting us and the world from evil. He threw our troops under the bus!!!! HORRIBLE!!!!! He put so many innocent people in harms way with his horrible plan to exit Afghanistan. Incompetent!  I am monitoring the news out of Afghanistan and now it is bring reported that there are many casualties.

Live Updates: Explosions outside Kabul airport result in U.S., civilian casualties

PRAY TEAM JESUS!!! Pray for the safety of the Afghan people, all people that could be left behind, pray for our troops! OUR HEROES!

Afghans told to leave Kabul airport over ‘very credible’ Islamic State threat

Past Posts from FGGAM Media Center:

2 Timothy 3:1-5

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

So the Taliban has drawn a red line for Biden to have the troops and everybody out of Afghanistan by August 31 so now the Taliban is telling the President of the United States what to do how horrible so very very horrible. I never thought I would see the day when a Satanic group is telling the President of the United States what to do! Tragic! Such a disgrace!

I have been for America getting most if not all of our troops out of Afghanistan, but not the way Biden is doing it! Now talking order from the Satanic Taliban! Why did not Biden call on NATO to help with this months ago??????

We have a President who is for aborting God’s babies and now he throws children, women and men to the wolves, the Satanic Taliban. He also has put our troops in greater danger than ever!

It seems to me the only thing Biden knows how to do is write checks, spend money that isn’t there. Every time someone sneezes he throws money at it. A young lady was telling me today that she has worked since age 13 and it makes her sick people are being paid not to work. She is the team leader at our nearby Subway! I told her that America has been turned upside down for sure!

Red Line For Biden

Taliban tell Afghan women to stay home because soldiers are “not trained” to respect them
Fear is mounting for women and girls in Afghanistan after the Taliban told working women to stay at home, admitting they were not safe in the presence of the militant group’s soldiers.

Read in CNN:

This is horrific!!! Satanic! We must stand strong for JESUS! We must stand strong for the people of Afghanistan! President Biden abandoned women and children and left them with Satanic forces. This is a President who supports killing babies through abortion. Read here how the media is blasting Christians. Stand strong for JESUS! Stand strong for women and children! Men need to be men of God! Seek the face of JESUS 27/7 put on the armor of God everyday! Christians must run for public office if we are ever to turn this country around! Pastors must toughen up and SPEAK LOUDER against evil!! Spiritual Warfare is getting hot and heavy! It seems everyday now I am seeing things I thought I would never see.

American Media Comparisons of Christians to the Taliban Is Disturbing and Concerning

Two subjects that the LORD has me focusing on is The Great Commission and Spiritual Warfare. Please share with your pastor and friends this information.

This is an outstanding explanation of Spiritual warfare. When is the last time you have been given a lesson on Spiritual Warfare?

God’s Mission Has an Enemy: 10 Facts about Spiritual Warfare

What does the body of Christ not understand about THE GREAT C

PTL!!!!!!!!!!!! PTL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TEAM JESUS!!!!!

Conservative commentator Glenn Beck has asked his followers to donate money to rescue Christians in Afghanistan. As of this writing, Beck says that people have responded by giving over $20 million.

“I’m BLOWN AWAY by what this audience has done to help rescue persecuted Christians in Afghanistan!” said Glenn Beck on Twitter. “OVER $20 MILLION raised in less than 3 days! THANK YOU!”

Glenn Beck: This Is Our Dunkirk 


Glenn Beck Raises Over $20 Million to Save Christians in Afghanistan

From Pastor Jerry McCullah:

LORD, I thank You that You are the God of second chances, of change, of renewal.  You alone, are the God of revival.  You are not willing that anyone perish, but that people everywhere would repent of sin and be saved through knowledge of Your saving grace.

Please, dear Father, send revival to America.  Draw all Americans to Yourself, for You alone are our only hope!   Display Your Truth to all people—that they may be saved by grace, through faith, and that is not of themselves, but is Your free gift to a repenting humanity.

Help the people of our nation to see that the wages of sin is death, but Your gift to us is eternal life through Jesus Christ, our LORD.

LORD, there are people of power and persuasion in our land who are greedily, and immorally, destroying everything good people have worked and died to establish in Your name.

We have strayed so far from You, we do not even recognize anymore just how holy and just You are!   Forgive us, dear LORD, and save us from ourselves before it is too late.

Intervene in the affairs and values of America; shake us, O God, so that millions, and millions, of men and women, girls and boys, will fear Your name, and behold Your glory, and call upon Your name.    Glorify Your name in all the land . . . revive us again, I pray. . . For Christ’s sake, and in His name, Amen!

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