The Difference Between Conviction and Accusation


August 04, 2021
Today’s Daily Devotional


“But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.”


Many people do not know the difference between Holy Spirit conviction and satanic accusation. The devil is very clever. Before you sin, do you know what the devil tells you? The devil says, “Go ahead and do it. You can get away with it.” And after you sin, you know what the devil tells you? “You’ll never get away with it.” He will entice you to sin and then condemn you because you sinned.

When the Holy Spirit of God shines the light of conviction upon you, you will come under conviction as a child of God. If you will turn to the light and face up to the light, He will pull the veil of darkness from behind those lies that you’ve been telling others, telling yourself, and telling God. He will expose your sin and, as you respond in confession and repentance, He will restore you to Himself.

  • Think about times when you have recognized the difference between godly conviction and satanic accusation.
  • If you belong to Jesus, what response can you give to the devil when he accuses you?


Make a list of the differences between godly conviction and satanic accusation. Keep this list close to reflect on regularly.

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