I am stunned, sicken……Satan is having his way with so many in Albuquerque, it has turned very Satanic. So many people are on the edge of darkness and it does not take much to tip them over to Satan. Many are on the edge of hell because they are not planted in JESUS! JESUS! This is Spiritual Warfare! Where are the Pastors???? Where is the Body of Christ???????? Jesus gave us a command to carry out THE GREAT COMMISSION!!!!! That will not happen inside the walls of the Church! We have to reach the LOST!!!! Many so called Christians just don’t get it! JESUS!!! JESUS!! OH! THE JOY AND SECURITY WE HAVE IN JESUS!!!
Spiritual Warfare is hot and heavy all over America and the world, we are unraveling at a fast pace! What will the world look like in 6 months???? DARKER!
Suspect shoots man and dog who were out for a walk
Help Me Understand: Spiritual Warfare—The Devil
What does the body of Christ not understand about THE GREAT COMMISSION? IT IS A COMMAND, TO GO! GO!