Are my friends worth the trouble?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Sometimes I wonder if friends are worth the trouble. Mine seem to always discourage me about my faith in God. While they say they believe there’s a God, they claim He really doesn’t care much about what happens on this planet. If people can really go that far to believe in God and then doubt His power, isn’t that a dangerous position? – D.G.

A: God could have created us, and then abandoned us and …

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October 15, 2021
Today’s Daily Devotional


For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.”


The Holy Spirit attests to and makes real what happened when you got saved. For example, there is a new relationship. Consider today’s verse. Two words are here together, Abba and Father. The first is Aramaic and the second is Hebrew. Abba is an Aramaic word and it means “Daddy” or “Papa.” When the Holy Spirit of God comes into you, He gives you such a relationship with the One who has adopted you that you can call him Abba, Father. Now let me tell you the difference in these two words. There were plenty of people in Abraham’s day that would call him Father Abraham because he was a patriarch, and we call him Father Abraham, but we don’t call him Abba Abraham. We know him as Father Abraham because he was the father ruler of the patriarchs. But Isaac would have called him Abba Abraham or Abba Father. He would call him daddy. You see, the Holy Spirit brings us in as adopted children who can call God, Abba Father.

  • How does it change your view of God to see Him not only as Father but as a closer form of father, like a daddy?
  • How has your earthly relationship with your father shaped the way you view God? What are the ways you need the Bible to reshape that view?


Write out a list of ways that God is not only your Father, but your loving Abba.

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Romans 8:9


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