BRAND NEW UPDATES WITH REVIVAL HISTORY! Mobile Baptism Truck On The Road, The Holy Spirit Took Over


After reading this post Kay Lawrence of Colorado texted me this note: “I appreciate the reminders of what God has accomplished in the past because they stimulate hope for the future.”

Amen Sister Kay!

John Belew of Santa Fe, NM said, “Melba and I were so very encouraged to read this post.”

Amen Brother John! It surely shows what can happen when we are covered with the HOLY SPIRIT!

I have always called Kyle Martin a young Billy Graham………

Billy said: “God has given us two hands—one to receive with and the other to give with. We are not cisterns made for hoarding; we are channels made for sharing.”

I love Kyle Martin and his family and his ministry Time to Revive. I met Kyle several years in Santa Fe, New Mexico in 2008 when he came to hold a REVIVAL! IT WAS POWERFUL! The Holy Spirit moved over New Mexico, ungodly legislation failed in the legislature! The Santa Fe Convention Center was filled!!! We broadcasted live from the Revival on KKIM one day. The Mayor of Santa Fe at that time was David Coss. Mayor Coss had agreed to attend our live press conference on KKIM at the Revival, but changed his mind based on Kyle’s Biblical stance on homosexuality. The media came loaded for bear! There was about 10 Pastors that spoke along with Kyle. Once one of the Pastors shared how God took his sinful sex life and transformed his life, the media did not have much to say after that. You could have heard a pin drop at that time! Powerful movement of the HOLY SPIRIT! LIVE ON RADIO!!!!!!! The way radio was meant to be, those were the days! Many lives were transformed for JESUS, people from New Mexico and surrounding states! With the evil we are facing in New Mexico we need to come together for REVIVAL! Kyle is a uniter, not a divider! He can help bring Christians and on-Christians together! One year in the  Elkhart and Goshen, Indiana area, factories were shut down so people could go the the Time to Revive Revival!!!! Kyle and I remain friends to this day. Kyle has taught me much over the years! I helped Kyle start a radio program which aired on KKIM in Albuquerque and other stations. It won the Best new radio ministry program from the National Religious Broadcasters. I served a few years on the Time to Revive Board. I know the heart of this man of God, I traveled with him to Asheville, NC in 2011 to hold a Revival (Where the Wiccan Witches ran in and tipped our speakers over) and broadcasted parts of the Revival live on KKIM! Asheville witches prepare for the spring equinox I pray that Kyle comes back here to New Mexico soon! We need a TRUE REVIVAL in New Mexico! Years ago I was so blessed to help get Kyle together with the late Ed Moore of WFRN in Elkhart (Who I worked for several years ago) and the rest is history!

I also want to add that in REVIVALS in Reserve, Quamado, Edgewood, Los Lunas, Belen, and Albuquerque I have seen lives changed! Just last month when I stopped at Alama, New Mexico for lunch after Church in Glenwood, one of the waitresses spoke up and said, “YOU BAPTIZED ME!”  I took her picture, she is such a sweet soul. That was good for an old preacher to see. This month I was blessed to preach at the “SOLDIERS OF THE CROSS MEN’S ECOUNTER” I have received phone calls and messages how the message the Lord gave me “Woke Them Up” is the most common response. Thank you Pastor Alfonso Antillon for asking me to take part. One man in his 80’s, who attended the conference called me last week and said “My wife passed away and I lonely, I am so thankful now to know you.” This is all a POWERFUL MOVEMENT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT!!! THE POWER OF GOD!!!! NOT ME!!! ALL GOD!! COME HOLY SPIRIT!!!!

I also have to mention the Revivals in Windom, Minnesota and Efland, NC! The LORD had me go to Windom, my hometown and I got to see GOD move in my precious hometown. So many people stay in touch with me since those Revival’s, a connection that God made. I have been asked to come back, we will see what God says. Brother Robert Rowe, who just passed into the arms of JESUS, and Karen Rowe of Efland, NC, invited me years ago to come and help them with a Revival! We even baptized people in the Rowe’s swimming pool!


Call on the POWER OF GOD!!!

Charles Stanley and the POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT

Can we do it again? I get sad when I mention Revival to many Pastors and they put their head down, like they have given up on reviving New Mexico and our nation!…..If not us who? WHO???

I also will be posting soon the time Congressman/Pastor Bill Redmond, a uniter, not a divider, brought thousands of folks together at the Albuquerque Convention to hear Chuck Colson and other wonderful speakers to speak in 2010. We had Pastors from all 33 counties represented! WOW! It was a powerful movement of the Holy Spirit! The highlight for me was interview Chuck Colson for KKIM Radio. We were all fired up after that and much fruit was produced from it as was when Time to Revive cam to our state. But, the fire went out. I have not seen so much unity in the Body of Christ here in New Mexico since. We need to unite New Mexico, we are a minority, we must reach out to the majority. We must build bridges of love and trust within the body of Christ, as the Church is so very divided and we must do the same with non-Christians.

I treasure my friends that I made working with Time to Revive, Kyle and his family, Mark Doering, John Lay and the late Glen Strock, Jose and Miki Vasquez and many others! The LORD has been so very good to me and Sharon in meeting so very many godly people over the years and being able to stay in touch with many of them. I have so many godly guides in my life.

Kyle posted this yesterday on his Facebook:

Holy Spirit took over!

When I woke up this morning little did I know what the Lord had in store. But what a beautiful day He had prepared for us! A couple of friends and I drove to the local radio station (WFRN in Elkhart, Indiana), where we planned to talk on the morning show. And praise be to God, the Holy Spirit took over the airwaves. Literally.

The Spirit prompted me to share about a baptism that took place at the DFW airport months ago. This then lead to the WFRN on-air radio personality and good friend share how he was baptized two years ago. He emphasized it was never too late to get baptized. The Holy Sprit chain connection continued when I was prompted to ask the listeners to contact WFRN if they wanted to get baptized today.

And so that’s what happened…phone calls, emails and Facebook messages. The rest of the afternoon we had the most amazing day as we looked to take our mobile baptism truck on the road to follow up with the radio listeners: baptism near a woman’s center, baptism outside a small group of home school students, baptism in a parking lot, and baptism with an 83 year old individual. God made a way!!!

Church, please remember – when the Holy Spirit reveals His refreshing presence in our lives, it will became quite clear – the Word of God will spread. Just like the progress reports of the kingdom of God take off, as found in Acts. The Bible says, “Then God’s message flourished and multiplied.” And that is exactly what took place today. One minute we are sharing testimonies on the air to then witnessing two children surrendering their lives to Jesus to a mom getting baptized in front of her high school son! Praise Jesus! It was a glorious day of kingdom growth.

Kyle Lance Martin

More In Time to Revive Here

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