You may have to blow up your financial goals in order to pursue your true calling! Are you hearing the LORD?


I got a kick out of what the writer wrote about: “If you could do anything and take a pay cut, what would that be? You may have to blow up your financial goals in order to pursue your true calling.” When three Pastors came into my office at KKIM almost 10 years ago now, they all told me that “God wants you to stop working in radio and go into New Mexico and preach the word!” REALLY??? Sharon and I had just moved into a new house, not newly built, but new to us and we did not plan it without my income! LOL! BUT GOD said GO! I drug my feet for six months and easy things that I had done for nearly 40 years in radio began to be come stressful! I went home one night and just said to Sharon, Babe, I have got to leave KKIM and go into the ministry God is calling us to do.” Sharon did not even blink an eye and as tears of happiness rolled down her cheek, she said, “Yes Honey, let us answer God’s call.” We walked away from over $90,000 a year but have never turned back as we know this is truly our calling. It is not easy, but the LORD never said it would be!!!!!!!!!!! Look what they did to him!!!!!!!!!!!

I meet so many people that do not know their true calling, or many do. and do not answer God’s call on their life. Many have become to comfortable in this world. Many love money more than the LORD! THEN THERE ARE THOSE THAT GIVE MUCH OF THIER RESOURCES TO MINISTRIES LIKE FGGAM! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!! Remember you cannot take your possessions in a U-Haul to heaven!

FGGAM is now into its 10th year! PTL!!!! PTL!!! We thank everybody who has surrounded us with love and support!!!!!

Maybe this will help you……..

6 Must-Ask Questions to Help Find Your Personal Calling

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