All Hell Breaks Loose in ABQ Metro During Halloween Weekend: 5 Dead! Multiple Injured!!


The wave of violence continues in the Albuquerque Metro, many have been blinded by Satan. The killing continues, election day is Tuesday…but here is what I have been saying for years, my message does not change: No politician can help us, ONLY JESUS! JESUS! We are a big stinking mess, going to hell in a handbasket. It is the time for the Church get a lot of that ‘old time religion’. This modern stuff is sinking us further, please no more high school pep rally’s in Albuquerque. Time for Pastors to show a lot of tough love. All this is happening on our watch. We all are responsible for this mess. Is this the world you want to leave your children and grandchildren?

Yesterday I was blessed to preach at the Christian family Church of God in Belen, NM on “Jesus is always the answer”

What is tough love? Teaching your children right from wrong, teaching Biblical truths, having them in Sunday school and Church. Letting them know not to cross the line into misbehavior. Teaching a Biblical Worldview, not a secular worldview. I post much during the week on tough love, stay tuned. My Daddy and Mommy taught me right from wrong, I had the best parents ever! We must help families stay together, so many have been ripped apart by Satan. So many homeless, hungry children, so much drugs and booze have invaded our families. Now the state of New Mexico will have legalized pot! Just what Satan ordered. The severe warning I have is the Church is losing its influence in America at a rapid pace.

Violent Halloween weekend leaves 5 dead, multiple injured

E.M. Bounds wrote….The real sermon is made in the closet. The man—–God’s man—-is made in the closet. His life and his most profound convictions are born in his secret communion with God. The burdened and tearful agony of his spirit, his weightiest and sweetest messages are received when alone with God. Prayer makes the man; prayer makes the preacher; prayer makes the pastor.

The pulpit of this day is weak in praying. The pride of learning is in opposition to the dependent humility of prayer. In the pulpit, prayer is all too often only official—-a performance for the routine of service. In the modern pulpit, prayer is not the mighty force it was in Paul’s life or ministry. Every preacher who does not make prayer a mighty factor in his own life and ministry is weak as a factor in God’s work, and is powerless to advance God’s cause in this world.

E.M. Bounds in his book, “Power Through Prayer”

I encourage you to read this book, I encourage you to take a shot of ‘old time religion’ this modern stuff we have has more than failed.

It was such a awesome blessing to preach yesterday at the Christian Family Church of God in Belen, New Mexico! The Church was quite full of young an old. Many children! Loved my time with Pastor Richard Garcia and his lovely wife Marcella! Pastor Richard and Marcella have Pastored their since 1999!!!! WOW WEE! I love that godly consistency, I do not find that enough! Solid Biblical Church! If you are looking for a home Church in the Belen area, This is it!

I was sharing in my sermon yesterday that I visualize Jesus giving me a report card when I get to heaven. It helps me keep on track for my Lord and the mission He has given me and Sharon. I want to do my best for GOD. I want to stand strong for my LORD! I will not give in to secular America, but many in the Church have already folded up their tent and gone home.

I have been saying for years…..that much of the American Church is conforming to this world we live in. Too many have turned God’s Word around to fit this evil world. Many Pastors and Church leaders feel they need to keep pace with the world! NOT GOOD! LOOK AT THE RESULTS! Evil prevails in America, babies are being killed everyday in America, what has the Church done? The America Church should stand out as the difference maker, between good and evil. Why on earth would we want to be like today’s society??? All the fancy dancy will not get anyone to heaven!  LOOK WHAT IS HAPPENING IN AMERICA!! WE ARE GOING TO HELL IN A HAND BASKET! The Church is losing its influence day by day in America and it breaks my heart! IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT FOR YOUR CHILDREN! LOOK IN THE MIRROR! WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT IT! There are so many things permissible today, that were NOT permissible when I was a child. We are paying a tragic price.

Romans 12:2  

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12:1-2

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

James 4:4

You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.

The failure of the Church to carry out Jesus command regarding THE GREAT COMMISSION is the biggest disaster in American Church history along with not preaching the TEN COMMANDMENTS! I grew up in this best home ever! Mom and Dad taught us tough love! They loved us enough to teach us the difference between good and evil and did not accept bad behavior!


The One Thing the Church Must Change

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