Jesus is the only Answer to Albuquerque’s Gun Violence! New Mexico is Spiritually Sick, as is America!


Billy Graham said, “The prophets who spoke to their generation for God did not please and conform, they opposed anything that did not honor the Lord.”

Matthew 5:13

“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.

I never thought I would live in a time when only 6% of Americans held a Biblical Worldview……..

Pastors, If JESUS handed out report cards…ours would not look so good.

From Charles Stanley:

Dressed for Battle

Ephesians 6:10-18

When you wake up in the morning and get ready for the day, you’re probably not thinking about stepping onto a battlefield. But the enemy is all around us, constantly assaulting our heart and mind with temptations, adversities, emotional attacks, and more. And some days, it feels as though we are standing on the front lines of combat with no protection whatsoever.

Therein lies our misunderstanding. You see, we do have protection. The Lord made provision for our nakedness in battle. He hasn’t sent us to war unprotected. Instead, He’s given us a suit of armor that the enemy can’t penetrate—the armor of God.

In today’s passage, the apostle Paul tells us step by step how to prepare for our daily warfare, and yet most Christians don’t pay much attention to the instruction. We may say, “Well, that’s a nice metaphor, but we shouldn’t take it literally. After all, the armor isn’t real.” Yes, it is. It is as real as the clothes on your back.

Do you want to see a dramatic change in your life? Do you want to stand strong in the face of adversity? Do you want to overcome temptation? Then you need to dress for battle.

I challenge you to intentionally put on your spiritual armor every day for the next seven days. Put on one piece at a time—the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the sandals of peace, the shield of faith, and the sword of the Spirit. Just try it as you meditate daily on Ephesians 6:10-18, and watch what God will do.


I posted this earlier today: I was taught this years ago…….Education without action is entertainment! I really see that so many Christians have the education of the Bible, but they are not sharing it with the world, they are not carrying out The Great Commission! It is very tragic and we are paying a deep price for the lack of action. It makes me so very sad that many so called Christians boast about their faith, but do not put it into action. The Great Commission is a command from JESUS! This failure of the American Church will go down in history as one of the greatest failures in Church history.

What are you doing with all your Bible studies and meetings? You keeping it to yourself?

WAKE UP CHURCH!!! What we are doing is not working! From Dr. Jim Denison at FGGAM: America’s suicide rate is now tied with the 1930s Great Depression as the worst in history. However, physician Matthew Sleeth notes that “without the invention and intervention of modern medicine and trauma systems, our suicide rate would be two hundred to three hundred times higher than has ever been experienced at any time in recorded history.”
He then observes, “Perhaps it is time that society faces up to the reality that what we are doing is not working.”
Time for the Church to AWAKE!
Here in Albuquerque there seems to be a Church on every street corner…..more programs than ‘Carter has liver pills’, more music, more Bible study, more pep rally’s, more books, more and more of what??????

What do I mean JESUS is the only answer………I mean all those fools running around saying they have the answer…….all the politicians running around saying this and that act so foolish! I have been hearing all that ‘nothing noise’ since we moved here in 1995. I have been hearing and reporting on all the violence and corruption for years, it does not get any better, it gets worse. New Mexico is Spiritually sick!!!! The GOP and Dems do not have the answer! ONLY JESUS! Both parties are a mess! Look what has happened in the last 6 years in America! The Church turned to political figures! Many made politicians a god! SHAME! Chased many people away, never to return! I have heard that so many times from people over the last several years. I no longer care what people think of me, I am getting older by the minute and I sure do not fit into this world and I do not fit the mold of ‘modern’ Church. I have never seen such failure in my life, but many so called Christians celebrate like everything is just fine and dandy! I am getting more and more people telling me that the Church ‘does not have the answer for me’. That is horrible! The Church is to be the hospital for all. You can add more police officers, BUT! IT IS A HEART ISSUE!!! HEARTS NEED TO BE GIVEN TO JESUS!!! It is not right to put all this on our police officers! That is crazy!  So many have made a mess of the message of JESUS and made a lot of money, and made kingdom’s for themselves. This violence in Albuquerque and America, will continue to get worse until JESUS is present in the lives of many. The modern Church in America as a whole is lost in space. We only have ourselves to blame! My daddy taught me as a young boy to take responsibility for the world I live in. I think the America Church leads the league in ‘high school pep rally’s.’ We only have ourselves to blame for the failure of America.

Albuquerque residents say ‘enough is enough’ when it comes to deadly shootings

Gangstafied to Sanctified

REAL MEN: Seek first the Kingdom of God…Matthew 6:33
“If God can change the colors of trees, He can change the hardest of hearts.”

The Holy Spirit makes us a fearless and compassionate witness for Jesus

I was so super blessed to make a new friends at this years ‘Soldiers of The Cross’ Conference in Albuquerque. One of the men that really grabbed my heart and soul is Brother Stephen Alfaro. Stephen has been through hell, BUT HE HAS BEEN SANCTIFIED! We need more men like Brother Stephen to stand up and tell their story how GOD turned their life around! His testimony on the hell he went through and the man he is today, has fired me up to continue to PREACH THE TRUTH OF GOD IN LOVE! I am so very thankful that Stephen had the courage to share, GOD GAVE HIM THE POWER TO DO SO! We need more men like Stephen! Love you brother and your precious family! Men like Stephen make the best preachers! The Church has got to stop preaching to the choir so much!!!!!! We are commanded by our LORD to carry out THE GREAT COMMISSION! Get out from your walls and comfort zone! Roll in the dirt a bit! Get those shoes dirty!
Stephen Alfaro
Brother Dewey , I was blessed to be apart of the SOTC men’s conference I was truly bless by your explosive and powerful message. The sobering truth that you executed from the pulpit is a message the church is dying to hear. I think every church in America needs to have a dose of you’re fire and veracity . I walked out of this conference with a new desire to preach the truth boldly. I thank God that I was able to share my testimony though it was a tough task because of all the deep seeded hurts and destruction I endured . I was able to be totally transparent because of the love of brothers like you Pastor Richard Mansfield , and Pastor Alfonso. I’m forever grateful for you and you’re astounding love for Truth . I love you my brother may God continue to utilize you for His glory . Stephen Alfaro’s Testimony
Stephen Alfaro

The Holy Spirit makes us a fearless and compassionate witness for Jesus.

Amen! I am a Holy Spirit filled preacher! I am so very blessed to say so! I have had two very key teachers over the years that have really taught me much about the Holy Spirit. Pastor Jim Montoya and Charles Stanley. I am bold enough to say, I AM A HOLY SPIRIT PREACHER! I pray for the Lord to move upon me to show me what to preach, what to report, what to write here at FGGAM, and how to live my life! Lord cover me with your Holy Spirit, show me….I do not do what I do to for man, ALL GOD! This is why am not a popular man of this world. Only 6% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview. We are in very, very bad shape.

I can change my message in seconds as I am directed by the Holy Spirit, not my will, but God’s. I do not do what I do for myself or man, I do it for God. The Holy Spirt is God’s Holy spirit. We sometimes lose the sight of the word HOLY when we refer to the SPIRIT. When people speak of the SPIRIT, are they talking about NEW AGE STUFF, OR THE HOLY SPIRIT???!!!God’s purpose for  indwelling us with His own Spirit is to make us HOLY! 1 Peter 1:15-16 teaches us, “As He who called you is holy, you also be holy in your conduct, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.” We are called to a HOLY LIFE.

Look at yourself in the mirror…are you living a HOLY LIFE?

Some or many of you have become to comfortable in who you think you are in God.

The American Church is tied up in a lot of worldly stuff!

We must all build bridges of love and trust with the world. Tough love, you will have to have me preach at your Church sometime as this is my message for such a time as this. The time is urgent, many are being swept away by Satan everyday. The Church in America is losing its in influence everyday. The Church has failed in carrying out THE GREAT COMMISSION!

Please read the book, “Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit” by Charles Stanley!

Spirit-Filled Transformation: 5 Pieces of Evidence the Holy Spirit Has Control of Your Life

This is such good information for Pastors, Church leaders and all people. Jesus has given us all the answers on how to the minister to all of the world. It is called THE GREAT COMMISSION. This is a great failure of the American Church and we are paying a deep price for it. We simply need to share Jesus with all people. We need to build bridges of love and trust. Many Pastors and leaders really need to look at their Church….is that all the people you want to reach? SEEK! GO! Jesus did not have a building. Jesus did not have all the toys you have. Jesus was moved by God and the Holy Spirit always. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if Churches would close their doors once a month or more and walk the streets and go door to door and business to business to meet the people where they are at. Many are not coming to your Church, so go to them. The Church was not meant to be a social club. My Church back home in Windom, Minnesota has done Church services near a lake and people have gathered together with them that normally would not. We are losing many people to Satan. This is Spiritual Warfare, what are you doing about it? You better be thinking outside the box. THE GREAT COMMISSION is a command from JESUS! How many Children do you have in Sunday School? How many kids to you have in your youth program? How many millennials attend your Church? How many baptisims has your Church had in the last year? How many new members have enrolled at your Church in the last year? I am not here to be popular I am here to serve JESUS and people not a building. I got asked when God formed FGGAM over 9 years ago, “Where is your Church?? Where is your office??? We do not have a building, I have a little office at home, I have the JESUS CAR that was donated by Pastor Ruben and Lucy Gomez, we have the internet, a God given website, huge social media presence, radio program, newspaper, email data base, circuit preaching, on the road, street ministry, funeral services for those that do not have a Church, which is many. God has us do Revival services when He calls us to do so. I also do baptisims, weddings, marital counseling….whatever the Lord calls me to do, we are a Holy Spirit driven ministry. ALL JESUS!!! We are supported by very generous folks. Sometimes I travel 400 miles a Sunday to preach, wherever God sends me, I do not drive the ministry GOD does. I get asked many times when I do a funeral, “What do you charge?” I say, “I do not charge anything” JESUS GAVE ALL! JESUS will tell me when I am finished.

When we have only 6% of America having a Biblical Worldview, we are a sinking ship.


This is the report card from Barna:

There is encouraging and sobering news for pastors of millennials in a new, 62-page report from Barna examining millennial views on different areas of life. When exploring how much millennials trust various cultural influencers, Barna found that millennials do trust pastors—but that trust is “guarded.”

Barna Shares ‘Good’ and ‘Challenging’ News for Pastors of Millennials

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