PRAY TEAM JESUS! Pastors and Church Leaders call for end to street violence after murder of beloved California pastor outside church


My heart breaks at this news…….We pray for the family of Pastor Reginald Moore and his congregation. We pray for the peace of Jesus in all, we pray that many will repent and come to JESUS! Let us all pray for the Compton, California area. Holy Spirit come, please…


By Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post Contributor

Pastors and church leaders from California’s Compton community gathered to demand an end to street violence and for the person who shot and killed Pastor Reginald Moore outside of his church to go to authorities and turn himself in.

Moore, the 65-year-old pastor of the Upper Room Christian Church in Compton, was shot to death as he was walking to his vehicle in between Bible study and church on Oct. 24.

“We’re not going to hide,” Dr. Michael J. Fisher, a pastor at Greater Zion Church Family, said at a press conference that clergy and community members held last week, ABC7 reported. “We’re not going to live in fear and we as ministers, we’re not going to sit back and allow others to take care of our community.”

Ministers call for end to street violence after murder of beloved California pastor outside church

Prayer Against Violence

Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you that through your death on the cross you disarmed the powers of evil.

Help us, we pray you, to enter into your victory and to stand in your authority against all evil.

Send forth your light and your truth, O Lord.

Bring to light the deeds of darkness and let plans of violence and murder be revealed.

By the power of your Holy Spirit convict those who have allowed their minds to be dominated by evil.

Lead them, O Lord, to true repentance that they may receive your new life and rejoice in your forgiving love.


(Cecil Kerr, Christian Renewal Centre, Rostrevor)

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