I serve Jesus, I do not work to please this evil world. I do not play that game.
I am in the fourth quarter of my life, I do not have the years I wish I had to make more of a difference in the world for my LORD! I am just a simple man, with an open heart for all people led by my LORD to show His love and care. I have a passion for JESUS and all people. I am not popular at all in this world because I will Speak Up! Stand Up! As the Holy Spirit Leads!
I am thankful that more people are starting to see the needs for Christians to get to work and be THE CHURCH! I have peaching this until I am blue in the face!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not a popular man, because I stand against sleeping Christians and sleeping ‘do little sit more’ Churches! Time to stop playing Church and BE THE CHURCH!!!!!!! Time is urgent! Souls are at stake!
Jesus made it so very simple for us, He put all His commands in the Bible, but it is like much of the American Church has rewritten the Bible for their social clubs. The America Church loves seeing itself on big screens and smoke and music and a high school pep rally type atmosphere! They love their own kingdoms! Where are the people in wheelchairs? Where are the disabled? Where are the mentally disables folks? Where are the poor, Where are the hungry, where are the children? Where are the homeless? Where are the drug addicts? Where are the gangsters? OH! OH! Your not part of our club! All this party time while souls are going to hell!
I beleive that when Jesus come back, He is going to turn over tables in many Churches!
The greatest failure of the America Church today is that it is not carrying out THE GREAT COMMISSION! This will go done in history as one of the greatest failures in Church history!