What Are You Sowing?


November 29, 2021
Today’s Daily Devotional


“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”


God has promised we will reap the same as we sow. The Bible says in Genesis 1:24 that the plants and the animals bring forth their kind. You cannot sow one thing and reap another thing.

For example, you don’t reap figs from an olive tree. You don’t plant corn and reap wheat. And you cannot plant discord and reap unity. You cannot plant hypocrisy and reap holiness. You cannot sow to the flesh and reap to the spirit. As Job 4:8 says, “Even as I have seen, those who plow iniquity and sow trouble reap the same.” There’s no way to get around this in the good and in the bad. Whatever you need, you ought to plant. The question for each of us is: what is it that we are sowing?

  • If you only reap what you sow, what should you expect to reap from your life?
  • If you are unsure of this, how might looking at the fruit of your life help you see how you are sowing?


Plant something today, whether a tree, a flower, or a seed for food. Do this as an act of worship before the Lord, meditating on the truth that we will only reap what we sow.

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