Many people in U.S. who celebrate Christmas don’t know much about its significance, only 63% of Americans identify as Christian


Whose fault is this? All of us have a share of the blame……..So many Christians do not carry out THE GREAT COMMISSION! See the links below, people need to know JESUS, the Holy Spirit, they need to know what Spiritual Warfare is, they need to know there is a Devil! I have been harping on that for over 17 years! I will preach it, and do it, until the Lord calls me home! I know no walls, I just know that there are so many people that need to know JESUS! AMEN! I have stated for many years, boy am I old, America is now a great mission field! We need missionaries! Amen! So many Americas need the love and hope of JESUS! We must model it for them, building bridges of love and trust. We all are going to have to answer on what we did with the command of JESUS, which is to carry out THE GREAT COMMISSION! I will preach it, until all understand it! There is always a reason for failure….the proof in the pudding:

I get an email now and then from Kelsey Dallas of “State of Faith” This was in her report:

Nearly all Americans celebrate Christmas, but only around half can confidently retell the biblical story of Jesus Christ’s birth.


New data from LifeWay Research confirms something that I’ve long assumed to be true: Christmas is an incredibly popular holiday in the United States. More than 9 in 10 Americans (91%) say they celebrate it, the survey showed.


If you follow my reporting on the religious landscape, you probably know that far less than 91% of U.S. adults identify as Christian. As of this year, only 63% of Americans identify as Christian, according to Pew Research Center.


It should be no surprise, then, that many people who celebrate Christmas don’t know much about the holiday’s religious significance. Lifeway Research found that 25% of Americans feel they could only give a “quick overview” of the biblical story of Jesus Christ’s birth and that 17% feel they couldn’t describe any of it.

Help Me Understand: Spiritual Warfare—The Devil

SPRITUAL WARFARE: Inside the shocking survey showing majority of U.S. Christians don’t believe Holy Spirit Is real (podcast)

What does the body of Christ not understand about THE GREAT COMMISSION? IT IS A COMMAND, TO GO! GO!

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