Will More Invitations Result In More Salvations?


I am very concerned that many Churches in America are not baptizing people. I know of  Churches that did not do any this year and many that only did 2 or 3. The American Church as a whole, has failed to carry out THE GREAT COMMISSION! 85-year-old Pastor Don Kimbro said years ago, “The Church is not baptizing people.” TRUTH! Baptize and then raise them up like babies….to grow into mature Christians. We are seeing the results of so many non-Christians in our society! Ugh!

I am pictures here with my Dear Sister in Christ Eddilu Brown of First Baptist Church in Reserve, NM. This was a couple of years ago at a Revival we held. Look at her face………..it is glowing, the glow of JESUS! Melted my heart! Eddilu has become a leader in the Church! Eddilu started coming to Church when long-time members Charles and Joan McCargish invited her! When is the last time you have invited someone to Church? When is the last time you picked up some at their home and took them to Church?

From SermonCentral.com

For a long time I’ve wondered if there is a relationship between the number of salvations a church experiences, and the number of times it offers salvation invitations. We’ll never know for sure, but I’m conducting an experiment this year.

My friend Ron Forseth (long-time overseer of SermonCentral.com) recently challenged me to offer an invitation every Sunday for an entire year. For the past 25 years, my habit has been to present a salvation invitation about once a month in our church services, but I’ve often wondered, “If we offered salvation more often, would more people come to Jesus?” So I’m taking The Weekly Gospel Challenge.

Results So Far

I started my experiment on the July 3 weekend. One lady raised her hand in the Saturday night service. So cool! The next we hosted a high-profile guest for what we call a Wow Weekend. Lots of visitors were present. 32 raised their hands for salvation. The next weekend (July 17), 12 hands went up. Last weekend (July 24), 5 more indicated they had prayed to receive Christ with me. There’s no way to know for sure how many of these decisions will bear out as “seed that fell on good soil” (Matthew 13:8). But some God-honoring intention motivated each one of those people to raise their hands.

Will More Invitations Result In More Salvations?

I am very drained this morning. I went to bed early and got up here at FGGAM at 2:30am to post the news. Yesterday I talked by phone with people from all over America and also to folks in person here in Albuquerque. One manager of a business for 30 years said to me, “What is going to happen to us?” The lovely lady is wore out from all the hours she is working with staff shortages and also dealing with MEAN PEOPLE! She hugged me as tears came to her eyes. I am really sick and tired of mean people! People who know JESUS are not mean!!! Mean people are destroying our Country! The American society as I knew it, is crumbling very fast. Workers are leaving their jobs because of MEAN PEOPLE! If I had a business I would put up a sign: “MEAN PEOPLE ARE NOT ALLOWED IN HERE!” Way too many Christians are being mean! Terrible witness. You must think you are above God!!??!!?? If anybody is being mean around me, being mean to store clerks, etc, I will talk to them in the love of Jesus. A few years ago a man cocked his fist and was going to slug me, Sharon was right there,  I put my hand on his shoulder, and he stopped and we a peaceful talk. The peace of JESUS! Many Americas are wondering, “What is going to happen to us?”

All these fights on airplanes is visible evidence that we are falling into hell.

What are you doing about it?

We have a lack of Peacemakers in America! The government has failed, the two party system has failed, politics is the playground of Satan. There is no hope in Politics, ONLY JESUS! JESUS! Hearts need to change for JESUS in a hurry, time is urgent.

I see it, I hear it.. “What is going to happen to us?” I never thought I would hear that from Americans. The America Church as a whole, is fighting Spiritual Warfare with a garden hose.

Help Me Understand: Spiritual Warfare—The Devil

What does the body of Christ not understand about THE GREAT COMMISSION? IT IS A COMMAND, TO GO! GO!

Here is what we all need to take part in to bring GOD back into America. You see America is a godless Country, a lawless Country. We need missionaries. It needs Christians to carry out The Great Commission. Do you know what that command means from Jesus?

America, needs to Bless God!

(The Christian Post) A major intercessory prayer event calling the United States back to its covenant relationship with God is slated for early January in Plant City, Florida.

In an interview with The Christian Post, Kevin Jessip, the president of Global Strategic Alliance, explained that what is being called “The Renewal” will be a continuation of The Return. The first event took place on Sept. 26, 2020, on Shabbat Shuva, coinciding with the Sabbath Day when the passage in Joel 2 — about calling a holy fast and a day of repentance — is read in synagogues.

‘The Renewal’ Aims to Restore America’s Covenant With God

Christians often complain about the condition of our society and usually blame the government.  Government is not responsible for maintaining the moral fabric in a society, the church is. Morals cannot be legislated…they must be taught from birth and be a part of our DNA. That responsibility rests squarely on the church and Christian parents.

The Enemy Within Written by Jim Reeves

Hobby Lobby Declares Christmas’ True Meaning in Powerful Ad: ‘Behold, the Lamb of God’

I pray that more businesses will run ads proclaiming JESUS in newspapers, radio and TV! Let us proclaim JESUS in all the ways we can! FGGAM runs scripture ads in three different newspapers back in southwestern Minnesota, the Windom Citizen, Mt. Lake News and the Windom Shopper. That has been a calling from God to do so, just like our “House of Hope’ Radio ministry program that runs on KDOM Radio in Windom, Minnesota. You can also see from our website that we have many banner ads declaring JESUS! We also place them in our social media efforts for God! ALL GLORY TO GOD!

This wonderful news is reported by Christian News Now and Christian Headlines!

(Christian Headlines) Americans from coast to coast learned about the true meaning of Christmas in recent days thanks to a full-page Hobby Lobby advertisement celebrating the birth of Jesus.

Hobby Lobby ran a gospel-centric, Christmas-themed ad in newspapers across the country showing a painting of a toddler boy – representing a young Jesus – picking up nails on the shop floor as his earthly father, Joseph, tends to his works a few feet away. The sunshine through the adjacent window casts a shadow off Jesus in the shape of a cross.

Hobby Lobby Declares Christmas’ True Meaning in Powerful Ad: ‘Behold, the Lamb of God’

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