6 in 10 Americans Say U.S. Democracy Is In Crisis


It sure is a growing concern among Americans and our allies across the sea. Whether you beleive in or not about ‘The Big Lie,” We are in very deep, deep trouble as a nation. We are so very divided. We are at war with each other, there is no denying that! The Jan. 6th Insurrection saw Americans killing and beating on each other, a true civil war, there also is no denying that, no matter what your political affiliation!!!

There is no peacemaker on either side of the political realm that can save America! NONE! Both the GOP and Dems sure have many that are producing rotten apples, the fruit of hate. CLEAN IT UP PEOPLE!

America is in the worst shape spiritually ever! America needs JESUS! The only TRUE PEACEMAKER IS JESUS! NOT POLTICS! POLTICS HAS TAKEN AMERICA DOWN INTO THE PIT OF HELL!  JESUS! JESUS! is needed, many fool themselves that they know JESUS, but many in America that proclaim to know JESUS DO NOT! How do I know??? God has shown me! Watch and listen! The words they speak, the things they do are evil! Look at the fruit!

We will go down as the worst generation in American history. We are all to blame. Shame on us all! The Church as a whole in America lost is way…and lost its salt. “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. Matthew 5:13. America may survive, but its going to take JESUS, not politics! We are in the battle for our lives, TRUE SPIRITUAL WARFARE

I pray a new party will arise with JESUS at Hits side, TEAM JESUS! The two party system in America is dead in the water, has been for years! JESUS! JESUS!

6 in 10 Americans say U.S. democracy is in crisis as ‘The Big Lie’ takes root
A year after the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, a new NPR/Ipsos poll finds that Americans are pessimistic about the future of democracy, as false claims about the 2020 election persist.

Read in NPR: https://apple.news/ABORSYeEAQzaCCGDUA0RX6Q

Help Me Understand: Spiritual Warfare—The Devil

SPRITUAL WARFARE: Inside the shocking survey showing majority of U.S. Christians don’t believe Holy Spirit Is real (podcast)

What does the body of Christ not understand about THE GREAT COMMISSION? IT IS A COMMAND, TO GO! GO!

I posted this early today:

We are coming up on the anniversary one of the greatest attacks ever on America. The insurrection of Jan. 6th, 2021. I do not beleive many Americans realize how much damage this did to America! This is not a political comment. It is a comment from a man of God. Will America keep running into hell? I do not know how people survive without God. This horrific  attack has turned away many from the Church as many Christians drank the political Kool-Aid. We must pray that this Civil War ends! That is what it is..American vs. American. I call it as I see it! No politics here! Our children watched in horror of the Insurrection, that is what their America is…so very divided and very ugly. America needs missionaries to come here and preach the true gospel. Too many Christians are pretending the Insurrection never happened, but it did. Americans watched live on TV the Capitol of the United States of America being attacked by THUGS! PEOPLE WERE KILLED! AMERICA WAS STAINED THAT DAY BY BLOOD AND VIOLENCE! Those images are with many for ever and ever! Those that stood for this need to be held accountable and repent. Remember! Politics is the playground of Satan!

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