A Tribute to the Life of Reverend Judith Nowers By Devonna Denee Reyes


Pastor Dewey Note: I asked Sister Devonna to write a tribute to the life of Judith Nowers. Judith was a an awesome woman of God who impacted the lives of many. Devonna is also such a gift to New Mexico. We are blessed with so very many wonderful, dedicated woman of God in our state. Women hold the Church together. Amen! Thank you for your precious tribute to Reverend Judith.


Written By

Devonna Denee Reyes


“You came?!” She exclaimed in genuine surprise and a deep level of humility in her voice.

“Of course I did! I wouldn’t miss this.” I replied as her eyes teared up.

I took my seat at the table. Flying Tortilla was one of my favorite places to eat in Santa Fe. She handed me a flyer and told me about all the work she was carrying out in the legislature and in the community. She carried a governmental mantle amongst many others. It was never boring with her. She was a warrior demon slayer. It was always an honor to share a meal and Holy Spirit filled conversation. The Lord never failed to speak through her. This was the third and last meal Judith and I would share together. She was a woman of God on a mission. Full of life. Full of spunk. Full of Holy Spirit. She spent decades victoriously overcoming the attacks of the enemy desperate to silence her from prophesying and bringing forth the Word of God as a woman. In Santa Fe the demons tend to prophesy more than the Sons and Daughters of God… but Judith’s life example shifted that.

Judith welcomed ANYONE who stepped into her spiritual hospital on Siler Road, also known as “Joyful Ministries”. While she had been a nurse prior to becoming a full time minister, the Lord desired to use her as a spiritual nurse to help the hurting, wounded, blind, deaf, and lame. No matter what she was facing, she always had a smile on her face. She knew her value and knew the value of the work she did for the Lord and even when she found herself working alone at times, she never gave up hope. She poured into many wandering souls who had been hurt by organized religion- even amongst the Christian churches in Santa Fe. The Holy Spirit breathed life into dry bones many times within those precious walls. She helped both men and women alike see their value in the Kingdom of God and encouraged and empowered us to seek out the Holy Spirit, Jesus, the Father with no more veil in between.

Judith never complicated the gospel. She never asked me for money. She never abused her title or position of spiritual authority. She was simply a friend- a confidant- a mentor. The words she prophesied over me, and my family came to pass and continue to do so. She loved and respected her husband, Hank, and loved her children and grandchildren. She would always talk about them during our meals with eyes beaming. She was one proud wife, mother, and grandmother.

Judith mentored many and never took the credit for any of it. She was sure to give the glory to the Lord. She truly overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of her testimony. As a general of the faith, her Deborah and Esther mantles now pass down to the next generation. May we take them up with clean hands and pure heart and never take our eyes off the One True Jesus Christ, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who never takes His eyes off of His children.

Well done, Judith, good and faithful servant. Well done. Enjoy Abba’s rest, my dear friend.


We just received this message:

Thank you all for being patient with us as we have navigated this hard yet hopeful time celebrating someone so special and dear to us. Below are the service times & celebration for Judith (wife, mom, grandmother, great grandmother).
‼️ Please share to your personal pages if there are people on your own page who would benefit from this information. A formal obituary will be available soon, but this is the best way for us to get information out quickly ‼️
Celebration Social:
Saturday January 29th from 1 PM – 3 PM
Joyful Ministries 1161 Siler Road Santa Fe, NM 87507
Saturday January 29th from 5 PM – 7 PM
Rivera Funeral Home 417 Rodeo Rd Santa Fe, NM 87505
Celebration of Life:
Sunday January 30th 2 PM
Freedom Church 3732 Cerrillos Road Santa Fe, NM 87507
(Gravesite Ceremony to follow at Rivera Funeral Home 417 Rodeo Rd Santa Fe, NM 87505)
**In lieu of flowers please make out donations to Joyful Ministries. Collection baskets will be at all services or you may mail your donation to PO Box 24133 Santa Fe, NM 87502**
Thank you in advance and Blessings 🙏🏼

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