How to Be Bold, Focus Your Eyes Upon Almighty God!!!!


January 15, 2022
Today’s Daily Devotional


“But Peter and John answered and said to them, ‘Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge.’”


What is the biggest problem you are facing today? Think about it. Hold it in your mind. Now double it. Make it twice as bad. Now double what you’ve doubled. Now, I want to ask you a question: is that big to God? Of course not.

What is the basis of boldness? You must keep company with God the Son. You must have confidence in God the Father. When these people were terrified, they took their eyes off man and put their eyes on God. Take your eyes off your problems. Focus your eyes upon Almighty God, who is the Creator of all things, who is the Controller of all things, and the Conqueror of all things. That’s the basis of our boldness.

  • Where are you typically focused when you feel most fearful and anxious?
  • How might your perspective change if you focused on God over the things of the world?


Take time today to purposefully take your mind off the problems you face in the world and put them onto our God who is the Creator, Controller, and Conqueror of all things.

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Adrian Rogers
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