What Do You Think? Legislation would allow 16 and 17-year-olds to vote in local elections in New Mexico


Nowadays I just lean back in my chair and have to think and pray about all the changes that are happening in New Mexico and the world. Most of the changes are not good. I just got a note from one of my best friends about a pastor and his family being KICKED OUT OF CANADA! This is not FAKE NEWS! It is not only America that is unraveling, it is the entire world. It sometimes gets very tough to write.

Here is the latest news I have for you from the 2022 New Mexico legislative session. What do you think of this movement to allow 16 and 17-year-olds to vote in local elections?

Opinion split on legislation that would allow 16- and 17-year-olds to vote in local elections

Indicted lawmaker cultivated benevolent image

Pot Head and Drunk Drivers in New Mexico: New Study Shows Pot may impair driving ability for up to 4 hours

As I have bee saying for years New Mexico loves to feed addictions. This legalized pot business is so very crazy. The Dems want the money, they don’t care about the health of people, just like with home delivery of booze. New Mexico also kills God’s babies through abortion! EVIL! SATANIC! What good are we? We are allowing all this evil to happen in our state? Pot heads will kill innocent people just like drunk drivers and babies continue to be killed by abortion. We also have a severe problem of child abuse, child hunger and on and on. Abortion is the greatest barrier between New Mexico and God. It is a downright shame, all this evil that is being made into law in New Mexico! The people of this state better being doing a GUT CHECK! Or what I like to say, “Check in with God” BUT! What do you expect when only 6% of people believe in a Biblical Worldview and that only 18% of Christians read their Bible daily. (From Leading The Way Ministries, Pastor Michael Youssef) Many Christians here in New Mexico and all over America forgot that THE GREAT COMMISSION is a command from JESUS, not a suggestion. We are paying a deep price for our failures. New Mexicans continue to vote for anti-life politicians! Shame! The Christian population in New Mexico must be falling rapidly! If not, Then why do we allow all this evil in our state?

Cannabis may impair driving ability for up to 4 hours, study finds
Cannabis can impair a person’s ability to drive up to 4 hours after the drug is used, according to a recent study.

Read in Fox News: https://apple.news/A-_4_h45qRt2tAnGh-KA1mA

How Pot Affects Your Mind and Body Affects of Booze to the Body

Dying in Darkness: How Teen Vaping, Alcohol Use and Drug Abuse Get Crushed by the Cross

From ChurchLeaders:

This message from Greg Stier preaches so much! This message by Greg is the best sermon I have ever read or heard on drugs use. So many kids and AUDULTS use drugs and booze in secret, their dying in darkness. Greg and his wife handled the situation with their son in such a marvelous way! Amen!

By Greg Stier:

Four years ago my son, Jeremy, woke me up in the middle of the night. He said, “Dad, I need to tell you something, Last school year I was vaping and, for a few months, I was going out drinking and getting drunk. There were also a few times I bought marijuana and got high. I haven’t done any of it for months, but I just had to come clean to you.

Talk about a wake up call, a wake up call on so many levels.

I was shocked. My son had a solid Christian upbringing (not perfect, but solid.) He had been through countless Dare 2 Share events, the ministry I founded 30 years ago, from the time he was little. Jeremy had attended a good Christian school from the time he was in Kindergarten and, as far as I knew, he was seeking to honor God with his life

More Here

NM GOP Leader Jim Townsend: “Decades of status quo educational policies have created an environment in which many New Mexicans are fearful of the future for our students post-graduation”

Thank the LORD for solid leaders like Jim GOP House Leader Jim Townsend. (Pictured above) We need to be thankful for Christian leaders like Mr. Townsend and the strong core that we have in this state. Mr. Townsend would make an awesome Governor of New Mexico! It is tragic that they are outnumbered, as the majority of New Mexicans continue to vote for anti-life politicians. I always pray that will change. I have said since 1995 New Mexico loves pouring money down rat holes, like the Education Department and CYFD! Gotta turn them both upside down and clean house! I have never seen a state hang onto such evil as this CYFD outfit. Why does New Mexico put up with so much dysfunction in its state government?

FGGAM received this news release on Friday:

New Mexico House Republicans present transformative education plans

Santa Fe – House Republican Leader Jim Townsend (Artesia) Friday rolled out Republican backed transformative education policies designed to reverse historical deficiencies in New Mexico educational policy and funding. HJR 11, the Expanding Options for Educational Choice constitutional amendment, will empower students and families to have more options in educational choice. A second measure that will be filed today, is a House Bill that will allow voters to decide on breaking apart the state’s Public Education Department (PED) and create an elected Board of Education that would empower local control versus Santa Fe centered education policies. Additionally, Leader Townsend will file a House Memorial to direct the Legislative Education Study Committee to create a taskforce that would report back to the Legislature on potential rule changes necessary to enhance local school board control. 

“There is no baseline, positive nor negative, for what is going on in our schools and we are ultimately failing the next generation,” said House Republican Leader Jim Townsend (Artesia) This Governor simply cannot keep telling New Mexicans that throwing money at the problem is the solution- the Yazzie decision clearly revealed that our state has failed historically, and presently, in supporting at-risk students and families, and that the Public Education bureaucracy in Santa Fe cripples local school boards from being effective in building strategies tailored to their community’s needs.”

House Republican lawmakers contend that HJR 11, the Expanding Options for Educational Choice constitutional amendment, will align New Mexico with a national movement to empower working-families to make effective and critical learning decisions that align their students for success. This transformative funding model would create a student-centered finance formula in which New Mexico’s taxpayer dollars are spent effectively and prudently, especially targeted to support at-risk working-families.

Republican Leader Townsend continued, “Providing options for educational choice should be a priority for every New Mexican. At the beginning of COVID, many families sought opportunities to choose better options for their students and unfortunately only certain families had the means to do so- some of those families are legislators in this body. Our aim is to empower every family in New Mexico to have the ability to make important education decisions without feeling like the bureaucracy is limiting their student’s potential with poor policies and out-of-touch decision making.”

Breaking apart the Public Education Department would remove the hyper-politicization of the PED cabinet position and create an elected Board of Education that would better represent the needs of the varied communities across our state. Governor Susana Martinez had a PED cabinet secretary who was never confirmed by the Democrat-controlled Senate, and Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham is currently on her third appointee to the position. The bureaucracy and partisan nature of the department and constant turnover of cabinet appointments have caused a chokehold in developing policies that transform education in New Mexico, which has consistently remained poorly ranked both regionally and in the nation. 

Townsend continued, “The bureaucracy of PED is an open secret. It is getting harder and harder to remember a time in which our education system was working, there are glimmers but those efforts are spurred on at the local level and often derailed by Santa Fe. By creating an elected Board of Education we can ensure that New Mexicans voices are not lost in the process of decision making. Empowering our communities to make appropriate decisions helps our students succeed across the state, instead of allowing the Santa Fe bureaucracy to create blanket policies that, for example, work in Albuquerque but fail to address the needs of our pueblo communities.”

All three transformational education measures are or will be co-sponsored by Republican Representatives once filed. More information can be found on Leader Townsend’s legislative page at https://www.nmlegis.gov/Members/Legislator?SponCode=HTOWJ.


Oh My Goodness! PNM for months has suggested summer could be tough. Contractors have warned several solar power projects will not be finished in time because of supply chain issues. Are we a third world country?

The Santa Fe New Mexican Reports:

Summertime could include rotating outages


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