The Influence of Our Convictions


The Influence of Our Convictions

Like Daniel, we can steadfastly follow God by clinging to His truth.
February 10, 2022
Daniel 1:1-21

Although our circles of influence vary in size, we all have the power to affect others—either for good or for bad. Whether at home, in the church, or in the world, our lives are on display. Many times we aren’t even aware of who is impacted by our words, attitudes, and actions.

Daniel’s convictions, not his environment, determined his behavior. He believed in the absolute truth of the Scriptures and was determined not to defile himself in a pagan culture. His firm stance influenced everyone who came in contact with him—from lowly servants to kings of empires.

Our world offers a multitude of ways to compromise on what we know is right, but if we’ll make up our minds ahead of time, we too can stand firm in our obedience to God. Although unbelievers may mock our values and lifestyle, their respect for us actually diminishes and our witness for Christ is damaged if we waver.

Conviction about God’s truth is like an anchor. When the winds of opinion blow and the waves of temptation pound us, we can know with certainty the right way to respond. Your firm stand for what’s right can powerfully influence others.

Bible in One Year: Numbers 6-7


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