Faith, Hope and Encouraging Word By Jeanne Theriault



Jesus Traits and His Love 

Jesus was a man who had compassion. He was a Son of man that came to serve. He was loving to the end where he gave his life and died on the cross for us all, so we could have eternal life.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

He always found time to pray to the Father. Jesus never turned anyone away. Jesus was patient, humble, honest, he had courage, confidence, wisdom , and was merciful and faithful.
He set an example to all of us to be like him.
He demonstrated his love, his kindness, and gentleness.

Romans 5:8 But God demonstrated his own love for us in this while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

The world needs more of Jesus he is the ultimate role model. He set an example for all of us to follow. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. He is the I Am, full of power and mighty to save, the Lamb of God, the Bread of life, Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace.
So today let us not harden our hearts allow God to fill you with His love, compassion and grace and mercy. Find time to come before him in prayer seek his face . Allow God to work in your life and receive from him not hardening your heart. He is waiting and willing for all who comes to him, He will receive you with arms open wide, but first you have to make that first step.

Hebrews 3:13 Encourage one another daily , as long as it is called today, so that none of you may be harden by sin’s deceitfulness. We have come to share in Christ if we hold firmly till the end the confidence we had at first. As just been said ,Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion.

Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God, therefore as dearly loved children, and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved Acts 2:21

Father thank you that when Jesus shed his blood on the cross He provided a way for my sins to be forgiven . I ask forgiveness for the times I have failed . I accept Jesus in my heart , help me walk in Your ways and daily acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus in my life. In Jesus name Amen

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Jeanne Theriault
Jeanne is a powerful woman of God. Her knowledge of the Holy Scriptures combined with her faith in the living Word is a gift to the body of Christ. Jeanne is also a gifted psalmist and used prophetically in Bible studies and prayer meetings. She has spoken at Aglow International and has lead children’s ministries for over ten years. She has been a guest speaker on radio broadcasts sharing the Word of God. In addition, through the power of the Holy Spirit and the lens of her camera she captures the most amazing photographs, as she hears the voice of the Lord. She lives in Van Buren, Maine and is married to her amazing husband Ray for the past 35 years. In addition, she is a mother to three boys and has four grandchildren.

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