New Mexico is State with the 2nd Worst Taxpayer Return on Investment


The very tragic news here is that New Mexico for years and years, whether the Dems or GOP are in control, is that we are at or near the bottom in anything good. I am hearing from more and more from people in New Mexico as I travel, that they are sick and tired of both parties, so tired of party of politics. I call it ‘nothing noise.” I have said for years that the two party system is dead in America! The GOP is already split up in how many ways??? The Dems are just lost. America needs a strong third party. It needs a party with a BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW!

With Tax Day coming up on April 18 and 44 million Americans expecting to pay this year’s taxes late due to the COVID-19 pandemic, WalletHub today released its report on the states with the Best & Worst Taxpayer Return on Investment in 2022, as well as expert commentary.

WalletHub used 30 metrics to compare the quality and efficiency of state-government services across five categories — Education, Health, Safety, Economy, and Infrastructure & Pollution — taking into account the drastically different rates at which citizens are taxed in each state.

Taxpayer ROI in New Mexico (1=Best, 25=Avg.):
  • 49th – Overall ROI
  • 34th – Total Taxes per Capita (Population Aged 18+)
  • 50th – Education
  • 29th – Health
  • 50th – Safety
  • 50th – Economy
  • 32nd – Infrastructure & Pollution

For the full report, please visit:

2022 Tax Resources from WalletHub

Expert Commentary

Do states with high tax burdens provide better government services?

“Sometimes. Logically, more tax revenue should lead to more and better services and, in some places, that is certainly the case. In other places, the need for more tax revenue is the result of greater expenses. As just one example, an older city with vacant structures or outdated infrastructure that needs to be replaced may have more expenses and, if these expenses cannot be met in other ways, may impose higher taxes on residents and businesses.”
Matthew J. Rossman – Professor, Case Western Reserve University School of Law; Attorney at Law

“States with higher taxes can sometimes provide better government services. Often, higher taxes are related to the scope of services more than the quality of any given service. Is having a small library ‘better’ than having no library? I personally think so, but this kind of judgment of value is subjective.”
Daniel G. Garrett – Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania

How can everyday citizens assess the ROI of their local tax dollars?

“By supporting local media that researches and reports on these topics, by making use of ‘sunshine’ (open meeting and access to public records) laws that require governments to be transparent, and by otherwise staying engaged with studies by local universities and nonprofit policy groups.”
Matthew J. Rossman – Professor, Case Western Reserve University School of Law; Attorney at Law

“Return on Investment for public projects can be hard to assess since (1) the benefits accrue very far in the future and (2) the benefits may accrue to people outside of the community…In the end, a citizen should ask themselves ‘are these tax dollars going to a project that I value more than the dollars of taxes that I pay?’ For state and local government spending, people have some ability to ‘vote with their feet’ and leave a community if the government is providing goods or services that the constituents value less than their tax dollars. In these cases, people can move to places with governments that do allocate their taxes in a way they like.”
Daniel G. Garrett – Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania

What are the most efficient ways for local governments to mitigate the fiscal impact of the pandemic?

“To some extent, this answer depends on the place in question, as the pandemic did not affect all places uniformly. Two ways that could apply broadly include, first, through initiatives aimed at supporting local businesses and employers, given how significant dollars spent locally are to the economic livelihood of residents. Second, by spending CARES Act funds left over after covering immediate revenue shortfalls, strategically on critical long-term infrastructure needs (e.g. public transit repair and modernization).”
Matthew J. Rossman – Professor, Case Western Reserve University School of Law; Attorney at Law

“Most cities were caught unprepared for the pandemic. Clearly, the pandemic has taught us that we need to be better prepared to fight a public health crisis. This plan needs to consider the supply of products, alternative facilities, stress on healthcare providers, etc.”
Paul K. Chaney – E. Bronson Ingram Professor of Accounting, Vanderbilt University

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