Our Relationship With God


Our Relationship With God

Our relationship with God thrives when we consistently spend time interacting with Him.
March 26, 2022
Psalm 119:33-40

Once we trust Jesus and become a child of God, we have a responsibility to mature spiritually. This includes:

• Getting to know our heavenly Father. The Bible gives us detailed descriptions of God’s attributes, values, and thoughts, and it also includes accounts of His Son’s life on earth. As we meditate on Scripture and what it reveals about the Lord, our sense of connectedness to Him will grow.

• Communicating regularly. We should stay in close contact with God through prayer and quiet time—and resist the temptation to put people, work, or pleasures ahead of Him. Remember, relationships thrive when we invest in them but wither when neglected.

• Acting in obedience. A close relationship with God inspires us to respond to His Word. He’s provided us with instructions and explanations about how to live rightly. And we’re to heed our Father’s commands, just as children should obey parents.

• Growing in Christlikeness. As we cooperate with the transforming work of the Holy Spirit, we will start to think and act like our Father.

God adopted us into His family and sent His Spirit and His Son so we could grow in our faith, love, and service. Are we doing our part to keep the relationship healthy?

Bible in One Year: 1 Samuel 10-12


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