Serving others


There goes Sharon off to work, one of the hardest workers I’ve ever known in my life committed to serving others! Please pray for my Sharon and also for all those traveling in this weather today the roads are a bit slick. We have has such a wonderful snow fall over night in Albuquerque. I measured the snowfall at just over 2 inches! THAT IS HUGE FOR US! PTL! All Glory to God.

Sharon is an RN and also she works behind the scenes here at the ministry God gave us to oversee, FGGAM, 10 years ago this August. If it was not for Sharon, there would be no FGGAM. I am so very blessed she is my wife and partner in ministry!

Remember all those that travel in bad weather to serve people. Pray for them daily, thank the Lord for them everyday!

How are you serving the LORD and all people?

My Sharon is a leader, a mentor, a woman who gives her heart to people….all of our kids are the same…

Servant-leadership serves others by investing in their development and well being for the benefit of the common good. Thus a good Christian servant-leader serves God through investing in others so that together they may accomplish a task for God’s glory.

Mark 10:45…For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

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