THANKFUL!!!! Disney Employees and Former Judge Among 108 Arrested in Florida Human Trafficking Sting


VERY THANKFUL FOR THE POLK COUNTY FLORIDA SHERIFF’S OFFICE!!!! Human trafficking is so very evil, this Satanic activity, has got to stop in the world! Major punishment needed! Disney better be doing a better job of vetting their employees!

Something to think about! Our Law Enforcement heroes are making the arrests, despite all the dangers they face every second of the day, it is the Judicial system that is failing our Law Officers and the people of America.

Faith It Reports:

An undercover investigation led to the arrest of more than 100 people Wednesday, including several Disney theme park employees and a retired judge, all charged with crimes related to human trafficking, prostitution, and child predation.

The sting operation, named “Operation March Sadness 2,” was spearheaded by the Polk County Sheriff’s Office in Florida. Spanning six days, the operation was inspired by this month’s NCAA March Madness tournament, in which fans complete brackets predicting the championship.

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