WAR IN UKRAINE: “Barbaric use of military force” Putin’s War Crimes! PRAY TEAM JESUS!


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Refugees stream out of Ukraine and across the Polish border.

The Weekly Rundown

March 12, 2022    7:00 AM EDT

This is a special edition of The Weekly Rundown focused on news about Ukraine and Russia, and how you can assist those who are hurting.


WAR IN UKRAINE. As Russia expands its war to Western Ukraine, there’s still opposition on the battlefield and in diplomatic circles. After Russia struck a maternity hospital, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris called for a war crimes investigation, and White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki called it a “barbaric use of military force.” Meanwhile, the heads of each U.S. Intelligence agency — the CIA, DIA, NSA and others—testified this week before Congress. The Intelligence Chiefs believe that as many as 4,000 Russian soldiers have been killed in just the last two weeks. This would leave Russian President Vladimir Putin “angry and frustrated,” said CIA Director William Burns. But reports indicate that 140,000 Ukrainians living abroad have returned to Ukraine since Russia invaded — 3,000 of them are Americans — and Ukrainians from all walks of life are picking up weapons and learning to fight. So why has the United States actually purchased Russian oil? And what are Russia’s goals? CBN News Senior International Correspondent George Thomas explores that question. And earlier this week, George travelled to the border with Poland. Watch this incredible report as George talks to fathers who are taking their wives and children to safety, along with the courageous women who have crossed the border with nothing more than a suitcase and their small children.


IT MATTERS. In WWII, Americans saw the toll of war in newsreels… days or weeks after battles concluded. Some horrors, like the scope of Hitler’s massacre of Jews and other Europeans, was not fully understood for years. Today it’s different. Video and cell phones and social media allow us to see the scope of war in real time. Watch this moving report from CBN’s Operation Blessing as these mothers share their pain and heartbreak and fears. Here’s how you can provide assistance that will help families in crisis.

PRAY FOR UKRAINE.  On Tuesday, March 15 at 10:00 a.m., CBN News will host the second Pray for Ukraine Event. It’s free, but you must pre-register! Tuesday’s event will feature CBN Europe Regional Director Mark Dijkens, who is working with Operation Blessing in Poland, and CBN News George Thomas, who is still in Ukraine. And they’ll be joined by a very special Ukrainian guest who will share her story! Don’t miss this special event; pre-register here.

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